⏤ 17. the wrath of asteria edwards

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"Ria.. Ria!" The girl immediately looked back at the source of the voice. The sight of a very frantic Harry running towards her, hair messy and glasses slipping off his nose made her smile.

"You're late for class." Asteria reminded him.

He raised an eyebrow. "So are you.." Though his lips sunk in a frown upon seeing her dull, reddened eyes. "Everything alright?" He asked with concern.

Ria nodded, subconsciously rubbing her eyes which had been burning due to lack of sleep.

Her search had begun. She was on the path of scavenging every book there was to find a solution to her visions. She was going to find a way to calculate the occurrences of the events she saw in her visions, no matter what.

"It's also been days since we've properly spoken.." he added a pout to enlighten her mood.

She smirked. "It's unhealthy to be this smitten, Potter." She teased, ignoring her tired body and mind, making him smile fondly.

"It would be unhealthy to be even more late to the DADA class too, Edwards.." He started walking ahead, still facing her. She raised an eyebrow, having no idea where his comment was going.

"Since this is the first year we're getting proper defence lessons.. so who knows?" He grinned. "Maybe Professor Lupin might teach us to defend ourselves against shameless flirts." His smirk grew broader and he ran through the corridor.

Ria's mouth went agape in shock and she ran behind the laughing boy. "Harry James Potter, did you just call me a shameless flirt?!" She yelled through a laugh of her own, trying to catch up.

"Asteria Marlene Edwards, how dare you! I would never make such an outrageous accusation!" He yelled back, slowing down as they reached the class.

Ria caught up and smacked him on the back of his head. He winced, rubbing the pain off with a laugh. "You're such an idiot.." She commented, squinting her eyes.

"Stop pretending that you hate it." He responded, making her stomach erupt into butterflies, though she playfully rolled her eyes.

The two huffed, and with red faces and large grins, they opened the door of the class. "Sorry, we're late Professor Lupin.. We—"

Ria stopped in shock when it wasn't Professor Lupin who looked up at them from the teacher's desk.. It was Snape.

Snape scrunched his nose in disgust. Let's just say he did not fancy seeing his goddaughter with Harry Potter in such a state.

"This lesson began ten minutes ago, so I think we'll make it ten points from Gryffindor. Sit down."

Ria looked at him, already pissed off. That wasn't fair. "He's not the only one that's late, Professor." She said sternly.

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