⏤ 41. not the end

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The scene from the graveyard played in her head over and over again, and she stirred in her sleep, clutching her blanket and holding it close to her as if it were Cedric. But the more tightly she held on, the more it hurt.. the more she realised that the green jet of light had hit him.. the more she remembered the feel of his cold hand into hers..

Ria slowly opened her eyes, her vision blurry with tears even though they kept pouring down the sides of her face. She had never felt so heavy before.

She slowly sat up in her bed, breathing shakily when she did so, and looked around. There was no one there. She looked at her hands, searching for any sight of glow that was there before, but there was none.

Then came the heavy silence of realisation.. and Ria hoped it wasn't true. She hoped it was just another dream that messed with her head badly. She brought her wrist in front of her at a painfully slow pace. 

He will answer me.. I'm his sister. Slowly, she tapped the bracelet on her wrist. The white dot whirled into black, and a small light of hope lit up her eyes for one tiny moment. 

"Ced..?" She called for him, her voice a whisper.

"Hey, Ced?"

She waited and waited.

"Come on, man.. Don't ignore me like that.."

Her vision darkened, and tears ran down her face uncontrollably. Soft voices played in her memories.

"But what's the point? You'll just end up ignoring me."

"Not going to lie. It's tempting, really."

"Cedric, please.." She sniffed.

"But.. I'm not going to do that, obviously."

"Liar.." Asteria breathed out heavily.

The pain of losing someone.. The pain of carrying that guilt over yourself, yet again. The pain of knowing you won't get to see them ever again.

No more late night talks, no more teasing, no more Quidditch practices together, no more time together..

No more him..

"My dumb little sister still needs me.. or she'll end up doing stupid stuff."

"YOU LIAR!" Her voice collapsed into loud sobs. The wind suddenly changed; the windows shattered, the furniture slid away, the lamps above her swayed dangerously.. everything that surrounded her heaved back into the walls of the room.

The door burst open, and the woman at the door hurried towards her daughter. The golden trio, Mrs. Weasley, Remus, Snuffles, Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape followed her inside.

Isabella quickly pulled her to her chest. She was shaking. "Shh.. I'm here, sweetheart." She comforted, her voice trembling as she did so. Ria slowly shook her head, clutching the bracelet tightly.

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