⏤ 29. carrow vs edwards

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The same laugh that always echoed through her mind came from the person in front. The same tone, the same mixture of deep and feathery.. the same, incomprehensible voice.

"How d'you like me?" Carrow asked, the grip on her jaw tightened. "I hope I didn't disappoint you."

Asteria's heart was pounding against her chest. Her eyes were wide open with shock.

Carrow was right in front of her.. Her hand reached up to grab at their mask, but it was stopped.

"Uh uh.." said Carrow, shaking their head and pulling Ria's hand away from their mask. "Bad manners, Ria. Didn't Mum tell you to not touch what isn't ours?"

"Who.. are.. you..?" She asked, eyes tearing up with the dread of their answer.

She knew Carrow had no intention of revelation that night. They had prepared well.. baggy cloak, flat shoes, a mask that covered everything but their irises.. Every inch was covered, even their hands were covered with gloves.

Carrow tilted their head. "Why? The game's just getting interesting!"

"REDUCTO!" Ginny threw a spell.

Ria fell on the ground as Carrow's body flung away, groaning. "RIA— Ria, are you—"

"Yeah, I'm fine—" She responded, but Ron was already tugging her up by her arm the moment she had picked her wand from the floor. "NO— No! I need to— wait—"

"Are you mad?" He asked as they ran out the door. "There's nothing to wait for here! The only thing there is, right now, is to get out of here— alive!"

They ducked some stumbled some steps as a spell hit the ground close to their feet.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" Ria's spell hit the death-eater right in the chest and he collapsed on the ground.

"No! You don't understand— the one who captured me— that was Carrow!" Ria bellowed, pointing behind her, and Ron's eyes widened with shock. "Yes! I can't leave without—"

"No! Doesn't matter! Carrow's dangerous! And so is everyone else in there!" Ron yelled back. "We can't fight them all on our own!"

Asteria clicked her tongue in disappointment, sparing one last look towards the door before turning to her front. She saw two more death-eaters following them. "Run! RUN!"

Ginny leapt forward towards a door, trying to frantically open it as Ron and Asteria threw spells at them. Once the door opened, the floor beneath them disappeared.

Screams erupted from them all, but they stopped once they realised that they had been floating. "What the bloody hell?"

"Colloportus!" Ria shouted at the door, making it slam close.

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