⏤ 38. mysteries

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March arrived quicker than expected, and while the talk of the second task still buzzed in the air, the Quad were just too focused and distracted by the one thing they had found..

"It would be so wicked if this place turned out to be cursed or something." Blaise mumbled, the corner of his lips upturned.

Sophie turned her head to look at him, eyebrows knitted. "Why would you think that? Oh Helga, I hope it's not.."

A suspicious crack in the wall of the Dungeon, right around the corner from where the Slytherin common room was.. that was what intrigued them four. And just like that, all of them had agreed to check it out.

As a feeble attempt, Ria had tried 'Dissendium' because many secret passages in the castle opened with that spell, and it had turned out in her favour. The wall opened right up into a passageway.

A loud squeal made three of them spin in their places. "Sophie? You alright?" asked Ria cautiously, but the Hufflepuff just stared at her in confusion.

"Um— that wasn't me?" She answered, making them turn towards Theodore, who stood in his place, panting.

"Oh, Merlin! A spider!" He breathed out exasperatedly. The three rolled their eyes and returned their attention to the front.

The passageway seemed to go over a long distance (outside the castle even, they assumed), because even a 'Lumos Maximos' from Blaise's wand couldn't show what lay at the end of it.

They knew they shouldn't be waiting there.. that they should either leave or investigate it further. But the thing was..

None of them wanted to seem cowardly by suggesting they leave.

And none of them wanted to be the one to suggest further investigation either.

So they just stayed closed to the opening of the passageway, looking around at the stone walls as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Any guesses?" asked Ria, moving her lit wand over the wall, hoping to find something.

"You're the Seer, you tell," retorted Theo, making her roll her eyes again.

Though soon she squinted, moving the light closer to the wall. "What on earth is this?"

The remaining three found their way to her, squinted their eyes just like her. It looked like a very unusual sign of some kind. "Could be a Rune?"

Sophie clicked her tongue, shaking her head. "Ancient Runes don't look like that." she answered. "But— But I don't know why.. I feel like I've seen that somewhere?"

Ria nodded. "Me too.. It's too familiar.. But— Wait.." She blinked in realisation. She somehow had a very strong memory that just did not co-operate with her while studying the subjects she needed to get better at. "No way.. Remember our first Divination class back in third year?"

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