⏤ 10. fireplace facetime again

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After some ten minutes of tossing and turning in her bed with an empty stomach and a tear-stained face, Ria lifted herself up and sighed at the condition of her dishevelled room. She didn't know why that random wave of sadness had come over her after coming back, but it had made her cry like a bitch. 

It was weird; the thoughts of her father, Cedric, Uncle, her lack of control over her powers, the load of O.W.L.s, the statement on her hand, Umbridge, Voldemort, the mind-controlling Carrow, the Quidditch tryouts, the fight with her best friends and Harry, and everything else had hit her so suddenly.

But then again, it felt good finally crying it all out, since she couldn't do it often when there were people around.

She took a deep breath and raised her wand, muttering a spell. The ripped curtains began stitching themselves back together, the books on the floor placed themselves back on the shelves, and all the other misplaced things went right back to where they belonged.

Asteria sighed in relief, grateful that Minerva had taught her that spell. 

The thought of Minerva made her eyes snap to the cat on her bed. "I just have one question.." Ria started out with honesty, making Cass look at her. "How on earth are you not terrified of me? I mean— I almost drowned my entire common room once. You would've heard it from your best friend— Pansy's cat, right? How do you not fear being around me? What if I accidentally squish you beneath something one day?"

Cassie just boringly stared into her owner's soul, as if saying, 'are you seriously expecting me to talk right now?' With a long yawn and a good stretch, she went right back to sleep.

Ria opened her mouth in disbelief, wanting to speak, but then realised how stupid she was, trying to argue with her own cat. Shrugging her thoughts off, she finally decided to get her arse back to work.

When she walked out of her room, into the dorm, her eyes went wide as they caught a letter lying on the desk. She leapt towards it, but her hopes were drowned in disappointment when she read the name.


Meet me in the Gryffindor common room at midnight. It's important.


"I hope for too much.. I guess." She hissed under her breath, resting her fist against her forehead. "Don't— get— your— hopes— up— Asteria.." she reminded herself, and nodded in determination. "Okay.. what was I going to do?" Her brain didn't respond. Ria blinked in confusion.

"What was I going to do..." She stared blankly into space as her thought process stopped. Her mind was blank. "For fuck's sake! What was I going to d— Oh, yes! I remember now."

Okay.. I'm here.. Now what? She asked herself as her eyes stared at the big door, which was supposed to be the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room. She looked down; there was no keyhole, or doorknob, instead there was a bronze knocker of the shape of an eagle. How do I get in?

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