The President In The Cage 1

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8 in the morning, the sky was overcast.

It has been winter in S City for several days now. It wasn't so cold until today, where the temperature dropped the lowest to below zero.

When it rains, it pours. It was cloudy today with the north wind whistling by.

On the street, the young man, who ran around wearing a sweater yesterday, was shivering, hugging his jacket tightly.

Two traffic policemen turned into a street on their motorcycle and saw a car parked in a no parking lane by the side of the road. They immediately drove over.

There was a man in his twenties in the car. A handsome young man with sword eyebrows and stars-like eyes was sitting in the driver's seat holding a bag of buns and a bag of soy milk. He stared blankly ahead, it wasn't known what he was thinking about.

The traffic policeman sitting behind on the motorcycle knocked on the window with his leather-gloved hand. The young man in the car looked out the window as if suddenly awakened.

He smiled apologetically at the traffic policemen. He put the buns and soy milk in his hands into the large pockets on his jacket, then fastened his seatbelt and started the car.

The car slowly drove away, Lu Yanzhou's smile vanished. He was in a bad mood.

He had just crossed over to become the 'Lu Yanzhou' who bought buns and soy milk for breakfast in this world, then he received the original owner's life memories in the car.

He suddenly became a scum who deceived and embezzled public funds and even plotted and killed someone for their property. As a party member, he was a little uncomfortable.

The one who was killed was his best friend, this made it even more difficult for him to accept.

Lu Yanzhou was born on a planet called earth. Because of his soul strength, he was selected by the World Management after his death to become one of them. Through unremitting efforts, he became one of the four management leaders, or in other words, one of the four main gods, codenamed White Tiger.

World Management is responsible for managing the small worlds. They will send employees into those unstable small worlds to help stabilize the small world.

He finds this job very rewarding. He has been working diligently, even when he becomes a main god, he still does the task.

However, not long ago, one of the four management leaders, the main god codenamed 'Black Tortoise' rebelled.

Black Tortoise held many small worlds hostage. He extracted those small worlds' energy to attack the World Management, trying to devour the remaining three 'main gods' to become the only god.

Lu Yanzhou and the others want to protect the small world, so they fight against Black Tortoise, but they inevitably fall to a disadvantage. Just as Lu Yanzhou was about to sacrifice himself by blowing himself against Black Tortoise, Xie Chengze, another main god codenamed Azure Dragon, blew himself up first, inflicting heavy wounds on Black Tortoise.

Black Tortoise operation failed, then he immediately wrapped Xie Chengze's broken soul after his self-destruction into those less stable small worlds where he had extracted their energies.

Lu Yanzhou and Vermillion Bird want to rescue Xie Chengze and kill Black Tortoise but those little worlds are unstable, and outsiders can't enter. If one were to enter by force, the small world would collapse.

The collapse of a small world will not only annihilate all the creatures in that world, even Xie Chengze's soul fragments will also dissipate. This is something they don't want to see.

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