Orphan In Wheelchair 10

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The so-called 'township' should actually be called a people's commune, which is at the same level as a town.

The highland commune where their village is located is a relatively wealthy commune. There are more than 10,000 people. Because the local villages also raise silkworms, the commune also has its own silk factory.

As for Lianfeng Village, which is located on the edge of the commune, it is quite far away from the commune. It takes at least half an hour to walk.

There are people who work in the silk factory from their village, but they usually live in the silk factory and don't go home.

Lu Yanzhou is working in the village now. Whether it's morning or afternoon, he can go home and have a look when everyone drinks tea and takes a break. He can also go home for lunch at noon, but if he goes to work in the silk factory, he can only come back at night. How could it be possible for him to still take care of Xie Chengze like before?

Of course, Lu Hongxing said this mainly because he felt that after Lu Yanzhou got a job, he would definitely kick Xie Chengze away.

He doesn't believe that Lu Yanzhou would take care of Xie Chengze forever!

Xie Chengze has this self-confidence: "Brother Yanzhou will not leave me alone!"

He believed that Lu Yanzhou was sincere to him. If Lu Yanzhou wasn't sincere to him, why did he spend so much time on him?

Lu Yanzhou would give anything delicious at home to him.

"You really treat him as a good person!" Lu Hongxing said, "He is a deep-minded person, he is the best at putting on airs! He was only with you to have a good reputation!"

"You are the deep-minded one. He is a good man. He's 10,000 times better than you! You should know, right? No one in the village likes you!" Xie Chengze looked at Lu Hongxing contemptuously.

"What did you say?" Lu Hongxing exploded.

"I said that everyone doesn't like you," Xie Chengze said, "You don't know anything and you still like to be lazy. Everyone in the village dislikes you, don't you know?"

It was the first time Lu Hongxing was scolded face to face, and the one who scolded him was still someone he disliked. He was furious: "You cripple..."

"What are you doing?" After Lu Yanzhou finished washing clothes, he came back, then he saw Lu Hongxing pointing at Xie Chengze and yelling at him. His face turned dark.

Xie Chengze had actually seen Lu Yanzhou come back a while ago, that's why he intentionally provoked Lu Hongxing. With red eyes, he looked at him: "Brother Yanzhou..."

"He scolded me!" Lu Hongxing pointed at Xie Chengze and said.

Xie Chengze lowered his head: "I didn't..."

With Xie Chengze's appearance like this, it can be seen that he has been wronged! Lu Yanzhou looked at Lu Hongxing: "Lu Hongxing, you are not welcome here, get out!"

"It was really he who scolded me first!" Lu Hongxing looked at Xie Chengze angrily, and then froze — Xie Chengze looked so pitiful now.

Lu Hongxing was a little confused, and then he saw Lu Yanzhou standing in front of Xie Chengze: "AZe has always been timid, how could he scold you!"

At this moment, Lu Hongxing suddenly understand it!

His brother loves to pretend, and so is Xie Chengze!

These two people are tortoises staring at green beans[1], just look at it!

Lu Yanzhou drove Lu Hongxing away, and then looked at Xie Chengze worriedly: "AZe, are you okay?"

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