Extra: Revealing History

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Zhou Country is the most developed country in the world that none could compare.

Since Lu Yanzhou, the founding emperor of the Zhou Country, overthrew the decadent DaYan and established the DaZhou Dynasty with Wang Ze, the DaZhou Dynasty began to rise rapidly.

In its long history, DaZhou has encountered many troubles, but it has survived and developed better and better each time.

Today, Zhou Country is recognized as the most powerful country in the world, and it has been helping other countries, so it also has a very good international reputation. People all over the world are proud to come to Zhou Country to settle or study abroad.

Lu Yanzhou University in Zhou country is recognized as the best university in the world.

Today is Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze's 500th death anniversary. Lu Yanzhou University held a special event to commemorate the two seniors who made great contributions to Zhou Country.

Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze have been in office for fifty years. During these fifty years, they have done many many things.

For example, the development of agriculture has promoted the planting of many new crops, so DaZhou's people no longer have to go hungry.

For example, in the development of education, it took fifty years to make 90% of the young people in DaZhou Dynasty literate.

For example, revising the law laid the foundation for modern law.


The two even established a new political system before their death, allowing the DaZhou Dynasty to transition smoothly from a feudal monarchy to a modern political power.

Therefore, the two have undoubtedly become the two greatest people in the history of DaZhou Dynasty.

"The two are really like time-travelers!"

"They are super avant-garde in their thinking! They also know a lot of things!"

"He actually uses hot weapons to fit with other peoples' cold weapons. Sun Chongshao is quite miserable."

"The most enviable thing is their relationship. They have been inseparable for so many years. They even live and die in the same quilt."

"I heard that Lu Yanzhou was still in good health, but when Wang Ze just passed away, he talked to someone and explained some things, and then he stopped breathing."


Students at Lu Yanzhou University talked about everything that happened back then.

These are things that everyone knows, and even what Lu Yanzhou said before his death is recorded in detail.

After all, when Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were in their later years, DaZhou was already developing well. At that time, Lu Yanzhou's students had even developed steam engines.

However, many things in Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze's early years, as well as when they first ascend the throne, are confusing.

In fact, the origin of the two people is clearly written in "Wang Ze's Biography', but various unofficial histories say that this is not the case.

One of the most widely circulated theories is that Wang Ze is actually Xie Chengze, the murderous eunuch in the late DaYan Dynasty, and Lu Yanzhou was once Xie Chengze's male pet.

Isn't this nonsense!

Most people don't believe it: "It was written by those wealthy families in DaYan who were unwilling to let their interests suffer so they wrote to slander the two of them!"

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