Extra: The Most Handsome Director (1)

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Lu Yanzhou was able to accumulate enough merit because his father unblocked his card, not only that, but the dividends of some shares under his name have also arrived in the account!

He finally has money again!

Xie Chengze had finished filming the movie and didn't have a job recently, so Lu Yanzhou coaxed him to do charity together.

After working so hard for a while, Lu Yanzhou cured Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze originally thought that the reason Lu Yanzhou swore that he could be cured was because some research institutes had already developed a cure for his condition.

As a result...Lu Yanzhou didn't take him to the hospital for treatment at all, but his illness is healed?

If it was before, he would have thought a lot, but now he trusts Lu Yanzhou.

No matter what, Lu Yanzhou was doing it for his own good.

He didn't even care that Lu Yanzhou had a gold master before, so he won't mind such trivial matters either.

Xie Chengze didn't ask any more questions, then under Lu Yanzhou's arrangement, he began to work on his body and lose weight little by little.

He desperately wanted to lose weight, but Lu Yanzhou watched him very closely. He was not allowed to eat less of the nutritious meals arranged for him and he was not allowed to do more exercise.

Oh, there is only one kind of exercise that can be done on the bed. Lu Yanzhou doesn't mind if he does more of those.

However, he is not a body made of iron, so he can't stand too much either!

During the time between weight loss, Lu Yanzhou would open a live stream every week, he would also be included in the scene.

Xie Chengze was very puzzled by this, so Lu Yanzhou said: "Nowadays some people can make up a big show with just a single picture. If we don't go on live often, be careful of people saying you have plastic surgery."

Xie Chengze was taken aback.

Lu Yanzhou added: "Of course, this is also to promote the movie. Producer Wei begs me to live stream every day to help promote the movie."

"The movie has already been promoted, right?"

Lu Yanzhou laughed: "Is there too much publicity?"

All the money was used for special effects in Xie Chengze's movie. If it wasn't for him and Xie Chengze's popularity publicized it, he reckon the final set wouldn't be so good.

Having said that, Lu Yanzhou started the live stream again.

As for the live stream...of course it's cooking live.

"Today's live stream will still be promoting the movie my family AZe just finished,'Under the Ruins', is about to be released, everyone must watch it!" Lu Yanzhou said to the live stream camera: "As for the content of the live...it's still cooking. Live streaming something else is too troublesome!"

People who watched the live stream said one after another: "It's too perfunctory, let's change to something else, such as live kissing!"

"Don't just live stream making diet meals! If you have the ability, how about live streaming weightlifting!"

"Begging for a live weight lifting, I want to see muscles!"


Lu Yanzhou completely ignored them.

His family AZe sweats and wears little clothes every time he exercises to lose weight, he doesn't want these people to see!

Lu Yanzhou said: "I'm going to cook. What I'm going to make today is low-fat and low-carb egg fried rice. I'll use cauliflower instead of rice. Spray some oil in the pot to make scrambled eggs. Although there's less calories, it's still delicious."

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