Orphan In Wheelchair 1

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The moment Xie Chengze died, Lu Yanzhou left the small world with Xie Chengze's first soul fragment.

The Xie Chengze in this world was very attached to him. When he took Xie Chengze away, Xie Chengze didn't resist at all.

The moment he left, he used the countless merits he had accumulated in the small world to snatch that small world away from Black Tortoise.

The small world regained its freedom and began to operate normally. Lu Yanzhou lowered his head and looked at the soul fragment in his hand.

The soul fragment wrapped in merit emitted golden light. Lu Yanzhou sent it into his heart, then immediately entered the second small world.

In the twelfth lunar month of 1975, Lianfeng village's committee compound.

"The old sow has come out!"

"Hurry up and catch the old sow!"

"No! Someone got hit by the sow!


This place was originally a temple. In the early years, people nearby loved to come here to pray when they had nothing to do. When there were funerals, the monks in the temple would be invited to play the suona.

After the destruction of the four olds[1], the monks in this temple returned to normal life, and the temple was also used for other purposes.

Now this small temple was turned into separate rooms where the village committee works. One room was allocated to only the barefoot doctor in the village. Two other rooms are used as primary school in the village, and the remaining three rooms are used to raise a few sows.

These sows are raised by the public, so when they give birth to the piggies, it will be distributed to the villagers for them to raise.

Not long ago, a big sow raised in one of the rooms broke through the wooden fence and ran out.

The people present can't eat unrestrainedly, don't talk about the pig. The villagers raise the piglet for more than half a year, after killing it at the end of the year, they can only get 70 to 80 catties of meat. It's not really that much.

However, this sow that ran out was different.

This sow has been raised in the village for several years. It must have weighed more than two or three hundred catties. When it ran out, no one in the village dared to catch it. Furthermore, someone was hit by the pig.

Lu Yanzhou have just transmigrated into this world. He was still feeling dizzy when he heard shouts coming from afar.

He hurried over. It was Xie Chengze who was hit.

Not only that, the sow was surrounded by the crowd, and it was about to rush toward Xie Chengze again.

Xie Chengze fell to the ground. If the sow that weigh about 200 catties stepped on him...

Lu Yanzhou picked up a bamboo pole on the wall and rushed forward.

When the bamboo pole hit the sow's buttocks, it cried in pain and finally ran to the other side. The people on the other side also fled in fright.

Not letting the sows hurt others, Lu Yanzhou rushed up again waving the bamboo pole to drive it away. It took some time, but the sow was finally driven back to the pigsty.

Seeing this scene, the villagers breathed a sigh of relief. They hurried up and closed the door of the room.

This room has a door, there's also a wooden fence around the pigs. When the door open before, the pig broke through the fence and rushed out.

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