The President In The Cage 21

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Lu Yanzhou went home today and opened the door on the third floor, but he didn't see Xie Chengze immediately like usual.

Xie Chengze, who used to always sit behind the plastic film and wait for him to come back, is probably in the bedroom or the toilet at the moment so he didn't see him.

However, Lu Yanzhou couldn't wait to talk about Xie Chengze's health improvement. After thinking about it, he found the protective suit that he hadn't worn these days and put it on.

He wanted to go in to find Xie Chengze.

The golden merit is merging with Xie Chengze's body. Xie Chengze is getting better, but he is still a little worried, so he dare not open the door of the sterile room directly.

Lu Yanzhou planned to give Xie Chengze an examination first, to make sure that Xie Chengze's health was really good, and then let Xie Chengze go out of the sterile room.

Lu Yanzhou had already prepared for this matter. He bought some needles half a month ago and practiced drawing blood on his arm. This time, after he went in, he could draw a tube of Xie Chengze's blood and send it to the hospital immediately for someone to test.

Xie Chengze has a specialized doctor, but that doctor was hired by Xie Yuan many years ago, Lu Yanzhou couldn't fully trust them.

Fortunately, he went to the hospital a few times recently and met other doctors. The doctor also made a medical record for Xie Chengze.

Taking Xie Chengze's blood to the doctor he knows for testing, there is absolutely no problem.

"Brother Yanzhou, what did you say?" Xie Chengze came out of the bedroom and asked in confusion.

"I said you're getting better, so you'll recover soon." Lu Yanzhou said while putting on the suit on the other side.

Xie Chengze looked blank.

Lu Yanzhou said: "Do you still remember? I said before that as long as you do more good deeds, you will recover. I donated your money and helped many people. Now your body is healing."

Xie Chengze was full of surprise: "Really?"

"Really! But I need to get someone to check it out for you first. You can come out of the sterile room after we are sure there is no problem." After Lu Yanzhou finished speaking, he looked at the lingering merits around Xie Chengze, and said, "Um, You'd better stay in the sterile room for a few more days to recover properly...It's your birthday in a few days, so you can come out on that day, I'll celebrate your birthday."

Xie Chengze hasn't fully absorbed those merits yet. Now Xie Chengze's immunity should be far inferior to ordinary people...It's better for him to stay in the sterile room for a few more days.

Lu Yanzhou was very sure. While talking, he had already put on the protective suit and entered the disinfection pipeline.

The disinfectant was constantly spraying towards him, but Lu Yanzhou was very excited the whole time. When he came to the inner room of the disinfection pipeline, he even hit the glass with his hand to greet Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze smiled and let him in after the disinfection was completed.

Lu Yanzhou has been very restrained these days. He dares not get close to Xie Chengze, but when facing Xie Chengze, he is reluctant to make him sad...

The person he likes wants to get close to him, but he just can't get close...He has endured very hard.

However, at this moment, he could no longer remember those entanglements, only joy remained.

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