Orphan In Wheelchair 3

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Xie Chengze cried a lot.

Lu Yanzhou laid him down on the bed, and then lay beside him to accompany him, letting him cry.

No matter who it is, when encountering such a thing, they should cry it all out first.

It just that seeing Xie Chengze crying like this broke his heart.

In his previous life, Xie Chengze had been with him for decades, and he had never cried like this...

Lu Yanzhou really wanted to hug him and kiss him, but in the end he held back.

Lu Yanzhou has to admit that he likes Xie Chengze, no matter which one it is.

The people who join World Management have only souls and no physical bodies. They will then go to the small world to do tasks, and experience various lives and have various personalities.

People like them only rely on their souls.

What he has always liked is also Xie Chengze's soul.

In the last world, he always emphasized that Xie Chengze's soul fragments were different from Xie Chengze himself. Actually, he just wanted to remind himself not to cross the line.

But no matter what, it was also the soul of the person he liked, just like the person in front of him, who could easily arouse his feelings.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine, you'll be fine..." Lu Yanzhou patted Xie Chengze on the back.

Xie Chengze's crying gradually became weaker with each patted, and he soon fell asleep.

Seeing this, Lu Yanzhou wanted to get out of bed, but when he moved, Xie Chengze trembled in surprise, as if he was about to wake up. He thought for a moment, then he didn't move.

Lu Yanzhou lay on the bed and thought for a long time.

This world is like a parallel world of earth, the development route is almost alike too.

Now it is the end of 1974. The way to go to university is to become a worker, peasant, and soldier student. However, three years later, the college entrance examination will be reopened.

Now that the household registration management is strict, he has no way to take Xie Chengze out of the village. Living in such an environment, he has no contact with anyone who can 'teach' him any medical skills.

So there is a high probability that he and Xie Chengze will have to stay in the village for the next three years, and after three years...the college entrance examination will allow them to leave here.

Three years...Xie Chengze will have to suffer for at least three more years...

If not for the fear that his abnormal action will make the small world consciousness reject him and cause trouble to Xie Chengze, Lu Yanzhou would have gone directly to the country and told them everything he knew!

Lu Yanzhou didn't fall asleep, but Xie Chengze was asleep.

Seeing that he was fast asleep, Lu Yanzhou quietly got out of bed.

The house Xie Chengze lives in was left to him by his parents. There are two south-facing rooms with a partition between the two rooms.

Half of the room was used for sleeping. Half of it was used to store food, firewood, and other dry food. The other half facing south is the kitchen and dining area. The back is a pigsty, however, there is no pig there but two sheep.

As soon as Lu Yanzhou walked out of the bedroom, he heard the two sheep bleating 'baa-baa' and kept leaning against the wooden fence - they were hungry.

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