The Lonely Angel Who Paints 9

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Xiao Rong has always hated Xie Chengze, and he also treated Xie Chengze badly.

He felt that Xie Chengran's younger brother was a stain on Xie Chengran, he even wished that Xie Chengze was dead.

He had met Xie Chengze several times before he came to Xie's house. Sometimes he would see Xie Chengze 'whimpering' and making trouble. There was one time he saw Xie Chengze running towards Xie Chengran, then he slapped Xie Chengze.

At that time, Xie Chengze covered his face and cried silently. He was a little happy when he saw it.

But now, what did he see?

Xie Chengze is painting.

He first fell in love with Xie Chengran because he saw a video of Xie Chengran painting.

Even now, he likes Xie Chengran because of his paintings.

When he usually gets along with Xie Chengran, the feeling that Xie Chengran gives him is no different from the people he has been in contact with since childhood, so he doesn't have much interest in Xie Chengze. However, as long as he watches the video of Xie Chengran's painting, his heart will be full of love again.

However, it was not Xie Chengran who painted but Xie Chengze.

At this moment, Xiao Rong felt as if he had been slapped in the face.

How could it be Xie Chengze that he fell in love with?!

Lu Yanzhou's live broadcast continues.

He was too lazy to talk to those watching the live broadcast, so he only looked at Xie Chengze intently.

His camera was always pointed at Xie Chengze, which made the paintings painted by Xie Chengze clearly displayed in front of everyone.

Yu Qinshan and many of his friends followed Lu Yanzhou to Xie's house, but because they could not enter other people's residences without the owner's invitation, they stood at the door and watched the live broadcast.

When they first saw Xie Chengze, they thought he had no aura, but when Xie Chengze started painting...

Their hearts trembled.

"He painted so well..."

"This is a piece of rough jade."

"This kid was born to paint!"


Just as they were marveling, one of them suddenly said: "It seems that...he doesn't have a teacher yet?"

Everyone looked at each other, then Yu Qinshan suddenly walked towards the police: "My grandson has been in there for a long time, I'm going to check on him." If possible, such a student must be snatched!

He cheated!

The others hurriedly followed. One of them said: "I am from Capital University. Xie Chengran stole someone else's work to get admitted. I am here to investigate."

"I am from the Painting Association. I am here to investigate Xie Chengran's misappropriation of other people's works!"

"Me too! I'm also from the Painting Association!"


This group of people entered the door with legitimate reasons, and went straight to the third floor without even looking at Xie Chengran, who was already dazed.

When they arrived on the third floor, they happened to see Xiao Rong muttering to himself, saying something like 'This is impossible', 'It can't be Xie Chengze' and so on.

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