The Lonely Angel Who Paints 14

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Xie Chengze painted again. What he painted was Lu Yanzhou holding a rose, putting it under his nose and smelling it gently.

Lu Yanzhou smiled when he saw this: "AZe, why do you keep drawing me?"

Xie Chengze ignored him and continued painting.

"Does AZe think I'm quite handsome?" Lu Yanzhou laughed, "Am I the most handsome person in the world?"

Xie Chengze still concentrated on painting. The painting Xie Chengze has deep and lingering gazes.

Lu Yanzhou sat next to him and looked at him: "AZe, if you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence!"

Of course Xie Chengze didn't speak, but people watching the live stream kept talking: "I didn't expect you to be such a Lu Yanzhou!"

"So narcissistic!"

"But not annoying at all!"


Someone also asked Lu Yanzhou whether the paintings painted by Xie Chengze were for sale.

Of course they are not for sale. Xie Chengze painted him. How could Lu Yanzhou sell these paintings?

"AZe, this is my name, Lu Yanzhou." Lu Yanzhou wrote the three characters 'Lu Yanzhou' on the white paper while talking to Xie Chengze.

After finishing writing, he wrote the words 'Xie Chengze' next to it: "This is your name, Xie Chengze. It sounds very nice."

Over the past year, Lu Yanzhou taught Xie Chengze to write his name more than once, but Xie Chengze didn't pay much attention to it before.

However, this time, Xie Chengze looked at the white paper in front of Lu Yanzhou, then began to write on his own 'painting'.

It was indeed calligraphy. He did not write like ordinary people, but wrote little by little with a brush. Finally, he wrote the three characters that were similar to the one Lu Yanzhou wrote.

That's Lu Yanzhou's name.

"AZe is awesome!" Lu Yanzhou praised Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze continued painting without looking back.

Lu Yanzhou: "..." he feels that compared to him, Xie Chengze likes painting more, and he also likes painting him the most.

Lu Yanzhou spread out a huge piece of rice paper on the table next to him, preparing to draw ink paintings.

This year, both he and Xie Chengze painted many works, which can be said to be very productive.

Unlike Xie Chengze who has him in every painting that he was reluctant to sell, he usually paints some works specially for others to sell.

Most of these works are landscape paintings in traditional ink paintings.

He is good at painting these.

Lu Yanzhou was preparing to paint when Yu Qinshan came with several of his friends.

"Grandpa Zhang, Grandma Li..." Lu Yanzhou greeted them.

Since he and Xie Chengze moved here, these friends of Yu Qinshan would often visit them and try to teach Xie Chengze how to draw.

However, they stopped teaching after a few times.

This is not because Xie Chengze doesn't learn. On the contrary, although Xie Chengze doesn't respond, when someone paints around him, he would look and learn.

The main thing is...Xie Chengze is self-taught in painting, so he naturally learns what they teach him very quickly.

They have nothing to teach now!

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