The Crown Prince With A Heart Condition 1

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Lu Yanzhou learned a lot in the interstellar world, and also worked hard to live longer.

He is much older than Xie Chengze, if he wants to spend more time with Xie Chengze, he must take care of his body.

Xie Chengze died of old age. On the day of his death, the aged Lu Yanzhou also closed his eyes.

Putting another soul fragment belonging to Xie Chengze into his heart, Lu Yanzhou turned around and entered the next world.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw an ancient room with a faint scent of sandalwood.

He got up from the bed, rubbed his forehead, and processed the original owner's memory.

The original owner of his body was a prisoner.

The dynasty he lived in was called the Great Jin Dynasty, which was somewhat similar to the Ming Dynasty in history that he had learned before, but it was not exactly the same.

When the world was in chaos at the end of the previous dynasty, the head of the Lu family at that time, the original owner's grandfather, who was stationed at the border at that time, rebelled and led his soldiers who had lost their military pay and could not afford to eat to rebel.

The original owner's grandfather was a rough man who was good at fighting, but not good at governing the world. In addition, he rebelled just to feed his subordinates...

After occupying a large territory, he weighed the pros and cons, turned to the late emperor who was almost as strong as him at that time and had a good reputation. He became a general under the late emperor, and followed the late emperor to conquer the world.

The original owner's grandfather didn't have any big ambitions, he just wanted to become a rich man after the world was at peace, so that his family members could live a good life.

At the beginning of the founding of the Great Jin Dynasty, he did indeed live the life he wanted.

It's a pity that things are impermanent.

The most outstanding son of the late emperor, the crown prince Rongfu, who had followed the late emperor to fight from all four quarters, died of illness in the third year of the late emperor's ascension to the throne!

The late emperor suffered a serious illness, but fortunately he survived in the end.

The late emperor had been fighting in his early years, so he didn't have many heirs, and he also lost a lot during the war. After the death of the crown prince Rongfu, there was no suitable heir.

Fortunately, the late emperor was fifty years old at the time, and after opening the harem, he got two more sons.

The present monarch is one of these two people.

He was born after the founding of the Great Jin Dynasty, so he had no feelings for the founding heroes who followed the late emperor to conquer the world, and he especially hated them when they compared him to the crown prince Rongfu who died young.

In addition, most of the founding heroes did not read any books. After the world was peaceful, some of them did such stupid things as encroaching on land and embezzling....he hates these founding heroes who rely on the old and sell the old[1].

The Lu family is one of the targets he hates.

The original owner's grandfather saved a lot of property during the war, and after the world was peaceful, he didn't do any evil things to make money but he had a lot of friends. When his early friends do something, he always pleads for them, which gets in the way of the present monarch's eyes.

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