The President In The Cage 17

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After An Chenyuan collected all the evidence of Lu Yanzhou's embezzling money, he continued working.

Lu Yanzhou has arranged for him far more work than others, and he would never have been able to finish it without someone's guidance.

This is completely different from the life An Chenyuan imagined.

When he was in college, Lu Yanzhou was very attentive to him, and he asked him out several times. After he refused several times, Lu Yanzhou gradually distanced himself from him.

At that time, Lu Yanzhou wanted to chase him, but later he felt that he couldn't pursue him, so he gave up.

With such a long-term relationship, he thought that when he appeared in front of Lu Yanzhou again, Lu Yanzhou would develop something with him. However, Lu Yanzhou either accompanied Xie Chengze or was busy getting money from the company, he didn't care about him at all.

Well, it's not incomprehensible. If he has a foolish and rich money master like Xie Chengze, he will be too lazy to pay attention to others too.

How many people in this world have been working all their lives just for money?

An Chenyuan was busy working until late before going home. When he got home and opened the door, he found that there was one more person in his house.

A middle-aged man in his forties was sitting on the sofa in his house, holding a laptop and looking at something. He didn't look up when he heard him, but said lightly, "You're back."

This person is sitting here, as if this is his house...Anger suddenly burst out of An Chenyuan's heart, but he pressed it back abruptly: "Why are you here?"

"Come to see you." The middle-aged man on the sofa put away his laptop and stuffed it into his briefcase. He looked up at An Chenyuan, and revealed a face that was somewhat similar to Xie Chengze.

An Chenyuan always said that he was a rich second-generation to everyone. His father opened a small business, his mother opened a clothing store, and the family is happy.

However, in fact...he was an illegitimate child.

Unlike in some novels, the mother of the illegitimate child is the true love of the rich man. His mother was only one of the women who came and went before Xie Yuan got married. Xie Yuan doesn't really care about her.

His mother secretly gave birth to him because of money. His appearance made Xie Yuan very angry because Xie Yuan were preparing to marry the Zhang family daughter at that time.

Since it was marriage, Xie Yuan didn't plan to hide anything from the Zhang family. He directly put him and his damning existence in front of the Zhang family, and then signed an agreement with them.

All in all, Xie Yuan will give them financial support but he has no right to inherit anything.

The amount of alimony is quite large, he and his mother could use that money for a lifetime. As a result, Xie Chengze was born sick, and it was also inherited from the Zhang family too.

There are several treatments for Xie Chengze's disease, and one of the more reliable treatments is bone marrow transplantation.

In his life, the earliest memory he had is the one day where Xie Yuan grabbed him to do bone marrow matching for Xie Chengze.

He was only three years old at the time. His mother was unwilling, no matter life or death. She held him and not letting Xie Yuan take him away, she cried so hard...However, Xie Yuan still took him away ruthlessly.

What happened that day was so clearly imprinted in his mind that he still remembers it when he has nightmares.

Fortunately, the final match failed, so he didn't get to donate his bone marrow to Xie Chengze at such a young age.

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