The President In The Cage 7

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Lu Yanzhou left Xie's house as usual before dinner, and then went to a small restaurant without stopping.

He made an appointment to meet someone yesterday.

Lu Yanzhou made an appointment with one of his high school classmates named Zhao Chaoyuan.

Zhao Chaoyuan is very rich. He is a rich second generation, but he is different from ordinary rich second generation. He does not pursue material enjoyment but pursues spiritual satisfaction.

When other rich second-generation were enjoying urban life, he ran to impoverished areas every day, carrying a camera to take pictures and documentaries for the elderly and children there to raise money for them.

When other people's Moments send a big meal, he sends peppers mixed with potatoes; other people's Moments are of scenic spots, he sends a mountain; when others send red-lipped beauty, he sends a blushing little girl in the plateau.

The original owner felt that Zhao Chaoyuan was just filling himself and holding him up, he was thinking of making a name for himself, but Lu Yanzhou really admired such a person.

When Lu Yanzhou arrived, there were still ten minutes before the appointed time, but Zhao Chaoyuan was already there.

"Sorry, there's a traffic jam," Lu Yanzhou said.

"It was me who arrived early. What would you like to eat?" Zhao Chaoyuan, who was in his twenties but had a dark face, asked with a smile.

This restaurant was decided after Lu Yanzhou asked Zhao Chaoyuan's home address. It mainly deals in set menus such as rice bowls and barbecued rice. The price per serving ranges from 25 yuan to 50 yuan.

Zhao Chaoyuan asked for black pepper beef rice, and Lu Yanzhou asked for black pepper chicken rice. He even took out his mobile phone and used the app to order it — it would be cheaper.

After ordering the meal, Zhao Chaoyuan asked, "By the way, Lu Yanzhou, you want to donate?"

Lu Yanzhou invited him to dinner yesterday, saying that he wanted to donate money. He nodded directly: "Yes, I want to donate money. I hope the money can be put to practical use."

"Then you are right to look for me! The non-profit organization I joined has completely transparent accounts, and I also cooperate with many other organizations..." Zhao Chaoyuan took out a tablet and showed Lu Yanzhou the various materials inside.

After reading the original owner's memory, Lu Yanzhou felt that Zhao Chaoyuan was credible, and now that he saw the real person, he believed it even more. However, he still carefully read the various information provided by the other party.

"By the way, your donation is also tax deductible...Even if you don't donate money, you can donate clothes and books. However, we don't need complicated styles, but simple styles that can keep one warm." Zhao Chaoyuan was very enthusiastic.

"I'll donate money first. If you have materials you need, send me a list, I can also look for it." Lu Yanzhou said.

"Okay, How much do you want to donate? If the total donation exceeds 10,000, we will send small gifts. If you sponsor the children to study, they will write to you!"

Lu Yanzhou smiled: "I'll donate 30 million first."

"What?" Zhao Chaoyuan was dumbfounded.

When Zhao Chaoyuan was in high school, he had little contact with Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou got to know Zhao Chaoyuan through other people's descriptions and Moments. Zhao Chaoyuan also got to know Lu Yanzhou through Lu Yanzhou's Moments. After he received a call from Lu Yanzhou yesterday, he urgently turned over Lu Yanzhou's Moments.

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