The President In The Cage 6

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Lu Yanzhou went home from work. The original owner's parents had finished dinner. Seeing him, the original owner's mother asked, "Zhouzhou, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet." Lu Yanzhou answered.

"Then I'll go and warm up the food for you?" Mother Lu asked cautiously.

Father Lu and mother Lu are a very ordinary middle-aged couple.

Although father Lu's sister married into a wealthy family, Lu Qiqi has never cared much about father Lu, who has no education and no ability, and Xie Yuan also looks down on them. Their family had no chance to fly up relying on Xie's.

The Lu family worked in the Xie family, but they only worked as security guards and canteen aunts. They also got along with security guards and canteen aunts, their life circles were completely different from those of the white-collar class.

Therefore, father Lu and mother Lu lived frugally. The food at home was not very good, so the original owner did not like to eat at home much.

Lu Yanzhou said, "Mom, I'll just heat it myself." He was not the original owner, he wasn't picky about the family's meals. He was more embarrassed to let his mother go heat his meals.

"Do you know how to use the microwave?" Mother Lu was worried.

Mother Lu still followed him into the kitchen. Although Lu Yanzhou seldom eats at home, she still prepares meals for Lu Yanzhou at night, but these dishes are cold now. The dishes that were originally not good-looking are now even more unappetizing.

Mother Lu asked again, "Zhouzhou...Mom will fry another egg for you?"

"Mom, you don't have to. You can rest." Lu Yanzhou said gently.

The son who usually has a bad temper is very gentle today...Mother Lu was full of emotion and went to watch TV on the sofa.

After Lu Yanzhou warmed up the food and went out to eat, father Lu also came over: "Zhouzhou, I have turned on the air conditioner in your room for you."

Father Lu and mother Lu have a decent income, but when they bought this house, part of the down payment was borrowed. They have to pay off the loan and pay the original owner tuition fees, and also save money for the original owner to get married in the future...They are usually reluctant to turn on the air conditioner, but they will turn it on for the original owner.

When the original owner was imprisoned later, father Lu and mother Lu tried to alleviate his charges by selling the house to help him pay back the money, and begged for help everywhere...

Lu Yanzhou smiled and said, "Dad, thank you...Dad, it's been cold these past two days, is your waist uncomfortable?"

"No, no, I'm fine." Father Lu was overjoyed and went to watch TV.

Lu Yanzhou has a lot of things to do now. He has no money to improve the life of the old couple, so he can only think about caring more about them in their daily life.

That night, Lu Yanzhou told Xie Chengze that he was going to the company tomorrow morning, and told Xie Chengze that he should practice writing if he has nothing to do.

Xie Chengze: "..." he knows all the words, but he doesn't know how to write them...Seems like it's not very good?

The first thing Lu Yanzhou did when he woke up in the morning was to send a message to Xie Chengze, and then Xie Chengze made a direct video call.

Lu Yanzhou accepted it and saw Xie Chengze's flawless face appear on his phone screen.

The first time he saw Xie Chengze, he was stunned by Xie Chengze. Later, when he saw that Xie Chengze was always alone, excluded from the group, and was injured from time to time during tasks, he couldn't help taking more care of this beautiful little brother.

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