Interstellar World 6

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Lu Yanzhou didn't know that the people around him thought that that was his final radiance before the sunset.

He is in a good condition now, so after driving Chu Jingshan away, he called Xie Chengze to his side: "Don't take what Chu Jingshan said to heart, I believe in you."

Lu Yanzhou's eyes were full of trust, Xie Chengze was shocked when he saw him like this.

Marshal Lu is already like this, but he is still comforting him...

Xie Chengze's eyes were red, and so were the people around him, but everyone held back and didn't cry.

Marshal Lu is about to die, they don't want Marshal Lu to feel uncomfortable because they kept crying before he died.

Of course, there was someone who couldn't help crying, and that was Chen Xiaowu. He squatted down and hid behind the people, crying and trembling, but he didn't make a sound, so no one paid attention to him at the moment.

"You can live here with peace of mind in the future." Lu Yanzhou said again.

Xie Chengze nodded.

Xie Chengze in this world looked pitiful, making Lu Yanzhou want to give him all the good things.

But he has nothing to give right now.

As for the things left by Xie Chengze's parents, he has asked people to check them. He believes that the results will be out in a few days.

Wait, Lu Yanzhou suddenly thought of one thing — he has a house in Capital Star.

Although his house was not as big as the Xie family's manor, it had a better location and was worth a lot.

Lu Yanzhou said before that he would change his will and change the heir to Xie Chengze because he didn't want Chu Jingshan's name to appear in his will.

But he knew very well that he would not die.

That being the case...

Lu Yanzhou looked at the people around him: "Bring the lawyer, I want to transfer my house in Capital Star to Xie Chengze."

Real estate transfer is not difficult, they just need someone to witness.

Since the marshal made such a request before he died, everyone would naturally try their best to satisfy it, so the lawyer came soon, and with the lawyer as the witness, Lu Yanzhou transferred the property to Xie Chengze.

After the transfer was completed, Lu Yanzhou froze suddenly when he looked at the special light screen.

Who is this person reflected on the screen?

Who is this skinny man?

Who is this thinning hair man?!

After Lu Yanzhou signed, he skillfully turned on the mirror function. After seeing himself in the mirror, he was hit even harder.

The original owner has been living on nutritional supplements for the past six months, so now he is very very thin. That was okay, but because of the unbearable severe headache, the original owner would often scratch his head and grab his hair off.

The average lifespan of human beings in this world is two hundred years, and powerful people live longer, so although he knew that the original owner was over forty years old, he didn't care too much.

He has only gone through one-fifth of his life!

However, he didn't know that the original owner looked like this now.

Xie Chengze saw him like this, would he dislike him?

Lu Yanzhou originally wanted Xie Chengze to stay by his side, but now he doesn't really want him to stay anymore.

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