The Lonely Angel Who Paints 1

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In the year 3200 of the Star Calendar, the Xie husband and wife brought back their two children from the nursery.

These are a pair of twins. The older one is named Xie Chengran, and the younger one is named Xie Chengze.

These two children were very cute, but as they raised them, they gradually realized something was wrong.

Xie Chengze is particularly slow to respond to the outside world.

He was diagnosed with autism.

Star calendar year 3204, an ordinary residence somewhere in Capital Star.

Four-year-old Xie Chengran kept sobbing: "Why do I have to go to school but my younger brother doesn't have to go to school? I don't want to go to school!"

The Xie parents in their thirties wandered around their eldest son and kept trying to coax him: "Ranran, be good, stop crying. Your brother is unwell, so he can't go to school."

"Ranran, if you go to school, how about mother buying you delicious food?"



Not far away from them, Xie Chengze, who looks exactly like Xie Chengran, is sitting quietly in the corner.

No one paid attention to him, and he didn't need anyone to pay attention to him either.

He used his fingers to draw various lines on the ground.

Star calendar year 3208, it was still the same ordinary house.

Xie Chengran, who was noisy and refused to go to school at that time, was already eight years old: "I don't want to learn painting, it's not interesting at all!"

He threw his expensive painting tools on the floor and ran back to the room crying.

The older Xie husband and wife saw this and hurriedly followed him, coaxing him not to be angry. If he didn't like painting, he could learn something else.

Xie Chengze, who was unnoticed in the corner, also grew up. At the age of eight, he picked up the brush on the ground and drew the first line on the white paper.

Star calendar year 3218, a villa in the capital city.

Xie Chengran, who was crying endlessly at that time, was already eighteen years old, with red lips and white teeth, and extraordinary handsomeness.

His appearance seemed to be a gift from the Creator. Once people saw him, they couldn't take their eyes away.

He was still expressing his dissatisfaction: "Mom, Dad, you are too partial! Why should Xie Chengze live in a room with a large terrace on the third floor?"

"Well, he has to paint..."

Xie Chengran was very aggrieved: "Ever since you found out that he can paint, you only treated him well and don't care about me at all. You also want me to learn from him all day long, why is that?"

"Well, the room is too small to fit so many painting tools." Father Xie sighed. They have used the same room on the second floor for Xie Chengran's studio. Xie Chengran's bedroom is only a little smaller than Xie Chengze's room.

"Anyway, you only think about him." Xie Chengran was on the verge of tears. He didn't want a studio with a large balcony, he only wanted a bedroom with a large balcony.

Mother Xie and Father Xie began to coax him again.

In the corner, Xie Chengze, who looked exactly like Xie Chengran and wore the same clothes as Xie Chengran, stuffed the unchanging food prepared for him by the robot into his mouth. After he finished eating, he walked upstairs.

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