The President In The Cage 8

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Lu Yanzhou was full of anger at Xie Chengyun, if he was not afraid that Xie Chengze would learn badly, he would start cursing right now!

However even if he didn't scold anyone, he still expressed his thoughts about Xie Chengyun: "Xie Chengyun is getting more and more lawless!"

"If no one cares if he goes on like this, it isn't known what he will look like in the future!"

"I don't know what my aunt is thinking, why don't she care more about him?"


Xie Chengze listened carefully, then suddenly reached out to touch Lu Yanzhou's face.

Lu Yanzhou looked at him puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Xie Chengze smiled and rolled his eyes: "It's nothing, I just want to touch you."

Xie Chengze was happy. He didn't know anything about his brother cursing him...Lu Yanzhou held his hand and sighed: "You..."

There's no need to tell Xie Chengze something bad to make Xie Chengze uncomfortable, so Lu Yanzhou changed the subject: "Did you practice writing?"

"Practice." Xie Chengze said.

"Show me." Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze to bring the copybook. When he saw the copybook, he praised Xie Chengze, and then coaxed Xie Chengze to accompany him to study finance.

He chatted with Xie Chengze about everything these days. When he talked about things that Xie Chengze didn't know, he searched the Internet for Xie Chengze to see.

Xie Chengze could only listen reluctantly. After a while, he began to make small movements, either pinching Lu Yanzhou's ears or Lu Yanzhou's arms, focusing on Lu Yanzhou.

Like a child...Lu Yanzhou grabbed Xie Chengze's hand and said, "Aze, you have a lot of money in your name, you'd better know something about it."

"I don't understand, I don't want to hear it." Xie Chengze leaned pitifully against the plastic film.

Lu Yanzhou...What else can Lu Yanzhou do? Just spoil him.

Xie Chengze has been locked up and has never been in contact with anything. Now that he is asked to study finance suddenly, he is also bored.

After studying through half of the course, Lu Yanzhou stuck to Xie Chengze and started to tell him about the company, such as his plan to sell all the stocks and funds he had bought in the past year.

Xie Chengze had no opinion at all. He nodded in agreement and hurriedly changed the subject: "Brother Yanzhou, I will recite the ancient poem you asked me to recite!"

After speaking, Xie Chengze began to recite the ancient poems that Lu Yanzhou asked him to recite.

This kid really has no interest in the company at all...Lu Yanzhou listened with his back to him carefully then praised him.

Xie Chengze obviously really likes to get compliments, his eyes bend when he hears it.

Lu Yanzhou continued: "Okay, Aze, the ancient poems are finished, let's do some exercise."

Xie Chengze's just-bent eyes widened again: "..." He didn't want to move!

Lu Yanzhou estimated Xie Chengze's physical fitness. Every day, he would make Xie Chengze jump a few more times than the day before. Today, he would let Xie Chengze perform four sets of 20 jumps, for a total of 80 jumps.

The amount of exercise was really small, however, Xie Chengze would be out of breath after jumping, while Lu Yanzhou, who jumped
400 times first with a total of 800 times, did not feel tired.

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