The President In The Cage 3

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Lu Yanzhou thought a lot, but he never let go of Xie Chengze during that time, and Xie Chengze too also didn't let him go.

When he lowered his head, he could see Xie Chengze lying motionless in his arms.

Xie Chengze grew up in a sterile environment. He wasn't exposed to the sun all year round, and he only eats nutritious meals prepared by a doctor...His skin is very pale and flawless. He looks a few years younger than his actual age.

If said that he was only 17 or 18 years old, others might believe it.

Xie Chengze, who lives in a glass cage and hardly has contact with outsiders, is probably quite young in mental age.

Lu Yanzhou was still a bit confused about the person in front of him and that cold friend in his memory, but now he can completely distinguish them.

This is Xie Chengze's soul fragment. He can think of him as...Xie Chengze's child?

Lu Yanzhou lovingly touched Xie Chengze's head, somewhat distressed.

The original owner befriends Xie Chengze, it's all about money from beginning to end. It was fine as a child, but he never came near this wall after he grew up. Everytime he comes, he will stand far away and just say a few words to Xie Chengze.

His so-called report to Xie Chengze is all just to fool Xie Chengze. He actually didn't tell Xie Chengze anything.

However, Xie Chengze didn't know anything.

Lu Yanzhou recalled, he remembered when Xie Chengze was little, the Xie family invited a tutor to teach Xie Chengze through the plastic film. However, after Xie Chengze's grandfather got worse and he went abroad to recuperate, the original owner's aunt stopped the tutor.

Xie Chengze never went to school. He has no friends or a normal social life...

The more Lu Yanhou thought, the more he felt that the child was miserable. He also noticed that this kid is very thin.

"Aze, have you eaten anything today?" Lu Yanzhou asked.

He always wanted to call Xie Chengze a more intimate name but he was afraid that Xie Chengze would be unhappy, so he had only called 'brother Xie'...Now he can call 'Aze".

Xie Chengze blinked, then shook his head.

Lu Yanzhou said: "Then go get something to eat."

"I don't want to eat." Xie Chengze spoke softly.

"Starving is not good for your body. Be good, go eat something." Lu Yanzhou coaxed.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou, his eyes misty: "Are you leaving?"

Xie Chengze is afraid that he will leave? Lu Yanzhou said: "I won't leave. I will be here with you."

Xie Chengze was surprised but happy.

Lu Yanzhou urged him: "Go get something to eat."

Lu Yanzhou didn't hold Xie Chengze tightly, it's just that Xie Chengze stuck close to him.

Now, Xie Chengze reluctantly moved away from him. He quickly ran to the living room table, took a bag of paste, then ran back to Lu Yanzhou to be with him.

He leaned against Lu Yanzhou's body, then skillfully opened the paste in his hand and started to eat.

Lu Yanzhou frowned upon seeing this.

Although Xie Chengze lives in a sterile room, people outside can still give him something as long as it goes through that long disinfection pipeline, where it was repeatedly disinfected.

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