Act 2 - 007

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Changes from this point onward

*** Ahri POV ***

Sitting in class I am watching the minutes tick by trying to get as quickly as possible out of there and grab something to eat. Haven't eaten anything today at all and with how we've been worked into the ground lately I should treat myself.

The intercom then lights up with a sharp ding and everyone's attention snaps towards it.

 "Caution: Seven-star operatives and above should leave their classes immediately and report to the forward posting area A12. The city just went into lockdown due to our scans picking up something opening up a rift and is already in the city, threat assessment is Class Nine."


The class roars as almost all of us jump to our feet, we all exchange a concerned glance and we all start to rush towards A12 to set up our defences in case the monster in question comes straight for us.

I glance through the window to see a glow, the world is reacting to the sudden breach into our world.

How did they... how... no...

*** Normal POV ***

Nox growls. "My presence is disturbing them. They noticed we came in.""

"I am aware, you can't do much about it I just need you to keep on getting me through the city," she goes through the entire city as I see helicopters have started to fly high above me, and at any moment every agency in the area is going to respond to my presence.

Memory then states, "I am starting to have a suspicion that your arrival is being mistaken as a Harbinger of Destruction, Shadow."

"I mean, if I saw any of Nox three years ago I'd be dead scared." I then glance at the area around me. "Faster Nox. If we stay out here for long the actual heroes that are in charge of killing us are going to get to us."

"Can I defend myself?"

I nod, "Obviously, just don't kill anything," I pat the side of her head as she responds with a soft growl.

We are inching closer to the Academy. They must be freaking the fuck out seeing Nox slither straight for it. It is as if something came from the outside and knew exactly where to find their strongest defenders rather than giving them time to rally and prepare.

*** Erica POV ***

I turn into a full sprint meeting the others, "What just happened?"

Evelynn turns. "We have a creature from an unknown world coming after us. It isn't targeting anything other than coming straight for the Academy. Where is Juno? Or is the sick bastard just going to sleep when the biggest fight of his life is coming up?"

I lift my shoulders, "I don't know..."

I ran with the four of them to find our entire team to prepare ourselves. We don't have long to run before we reach A12 with maybe hundreds of students standing around the area waiting to act at any moment.

I come to a halt as Troy sides next to me. "What the shit is happening out there?"

"A breach?" I shake my head. "I don't know but we never anticipated something like this coming straight for us."

Akali pats my back, "Keep your eyes up, I heard it is big."

She pushes past to the front as I spot more and more people chip in to lend us their support. Rey and Skye came here moments after we started to set up a perimeter defence and make sure that the monster did not get a chance to breach A12.

Shadows of our end - KDA x  Male Reader (Original)Where stories live. Discover now