Act 3 - 001

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It felt as if the blood was still in my lungs, I couldn't breathe. The 'death blow' delivered by Despair has nullified my sense of existence as if to show me what he is capable of doing despite him giving me a gift of some sort.

Even so... when I finally woke up I was met with an endearing sight.

A tight space with a bed that is shaped like a capsule. Rags are hanging over the side to block out the light but it only manages to do so barely. Beside me, I can hear the soft breathing of Ashe who somehow even in my premature death found a way to use me to fall asleep.

"Couldn't leave me alone even for a little bit, could you?" I cover her up with a rather comfortable duvet but not exactly the prettiest one, the type you would shove in a duffle bag and keep with you to fight the coldest winters.

I worm myself out of the capsule and into an open bedroom with a metal shutter acting as a door. The room itself is crammed with furniture with barely enough space to fit in a table, chair, and closet.

 The room itself is crammed with furniture with barely enough space to fit in a table, chair, and closet

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(Something like this I guess. Metro 2033)

I wash my face and the sweat out from under my arms with what was provided in the nearby bathroom. The water is surprisingly fresh despite how tragic the room is. I grab the first thing that looks like it would fit me, slap on some new pants, and head out of the hallway into what looks like an abandoned home.

I push the door open to see someone sitting near the edge of the hallway exiting my room. "You're the kid that's got all the people riled up right?" I furrow my brow at his question. "You've been dead for a week now, the doctors said you were fine so nobody stressed about it. Just happy you decided to get your ass moving."

I don't retort, he probably wouldn't be able to comprehend what I went through to get here. "Sorry, but where are we?"

"Underground city right under a market strip in South Pilltover. Got a lot of turns and corners but you'll find yourself moving around in no time," he sniffles as he pulls out a cigarette. "Smoke?" I lift my hand to show I don't want any. "The people around here like their privacy, don't mess with them. There are also allies here that want to fight against the new public leaders of the world and they plan to use you for it."

"Azreal turned into the president or something?"

He snorts at my question. "Not by that name, but he also has the name of a saint and an Angel. They'll debrief you when they can."


"Might have to figure that one out for yourself," he gestures into the world outside.

"Might have to figure that one out for yourself," he gestures into the world outside

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Zaun. A city under a city. I've always heard stories about a place like this but never in my life wanted to be here, though I guess if you wanted to escape from the world for a bit then this would be the perfect place to disappear.

"Oh. All of your friends and potential allies have occupied most of the higher homes around the area down to the floor level. You'll find them soon enough but for now I'd suggest not roaming to far off."


I'll have to wait around a bit.

I turn around deciding to head back to the room I was placed in. A lot of my things have been moved here already which is surprising considering there was virtually no time between our escape. Then again I've been asleep for a week, give or take.

I explore for a bit more to see there are stairs leading down and down. Is this a tower of some sort? I spot several rooms down with a commotion gathering just below at the very bottom of the spire. I can't help but wonder what they are planning but for now, I'll just head back for real before they start to freak out about me disappearing.

In my doorway, I see Ashe quickly rush outside, her clothes and hair are a mess as always. She's looking me up and down with worried eyes that soften the moment she makes me. Then shutting her eyes she leans into the door. "Bastard."

I walk up to her to give her a tight hug. "Sorry... I woke up freaked out and the only person I saw was you. With all your clothes on. That's enough grounds to be a little bit worried, right?"

"Hmm," she groans. "Happy you are."

"I am?" She only nods in response.

I guide her to the couch that is placed against the wall. I lower myself and she instantly grabs a pillow and slams it against the arm of the couch so that she can get comfortable by sprawling herself all over the place.

"Didn't sleep?"

"Sleeping too much. Addicting. And you being 'dead' didn't help."

"Sorry about that," I breathe out with a heavy sigh.

"What happened in there? What happened to you?"

"Did something happen?"

"Yeah..." she turns her head to look me in the eye. "Your Shadows are contained, much more contrained, it used to be able to escape your grasp when you were sleeping but even when unconscious there was no sign of you ever wielding the power." She lifts her hands to my face. "That glow mutation is still there though."

I nod as I express, "Scare factor. It's pretty effective."

"If you want to come off as rapey, sure." I laugh at her response. "There were other changes... your wounds healed without Lauren's help... she couldn't heal you at all which confused all of us."

I nod slowly as I state, "I was killed in my dreams, and reborn as a Nightmare or at least that is what my vision eludes to." I shut my eyes and rest my head against the wall as I exhale with a heavy sigh.

"I was watching you, as creepy as it might be, I was scared that something might shift. Or that you would dare to wake up when I am asleep. Isn't that funny? That the sleepless are scared of sleeping past someone else."

"I'd argue you are a heavy sleeper."

"Hm mhm. I am still sleeping right now, it feels like a dream knowing that you didn't kill yourself." She lifts her hand wiggling her fingers, I grab her hand and she squeezes it tightly. "About that, you probably know that there's a bounty on your head."

"Lovely," I chuckle. "Am I worth a lot?"

"Probably not reflecting your real worth... unless it is over ten million. Then I'd say that is a pretty generous price just to kill someone that can turn into a fucking shadow and invoke nightmares with an army of sleep paralysis demons."

I shut my eyes, laughing at her remarks. "Nightmares, huh? A fair warning (Y/N) but don't freak out too much when you see him. Memory isn't a shadow anymore."

"I beg your pardon?" I physically flinch at the news.

"You'd have more luck hearing it from him, he speaks in an octave that sounds disrespectful towards me even though he claims that he isn't being disrespectful in the slightest. I don't like that."

"Well hold on-"

"Shhh. Just let me rest my eyes for a bit longer, or are you going to leave me in anticipation."

I roll my eyes at her but stay put despite the sudden news. I would guess that we both got incarnated but I am not aware of the implications and will have to learn more as I go. I wonder if the rest are here as well?

I would bother Ashe but she's clearly not in the talking mood.

Shadows of our end - KDA x  Male Reader (Original)Where stories live. Discover now