Act 3 - 004

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Without looking at me, she began talking as if I was already beside her. "You know if I didn't know any better I'd have said that you've gone and trapped yourself in another hell and we've all had to wait another couple of years for you to get out."

Evelynn turns around and rests her behind against the table she is working on. "But then you come back unconscious, Memory is much more than a Memory and I have this distinct feeling that you are either going to bring the world to its knees to save it, or die trying."

"It's do or die," I say with a slight smile. "Hey, Evelynn."

"Is that how we greet each other now?"

"Don't make it like that," I try to step closer only for her to stop me by pressing her hand against my chest.

She grabs my clothes and pulls me closer, she steals a kiss. "Not that I don't want your greeting, but I don't think this is the time to greet me properly. There are eyes about, a lot of them are watching you and hoping to see a glimmer of hope." Her breath smells sweet, alluring... intoxicating.

"They want hope when they've never even seen the Despair that is coming for us," I chuckle with a smile. "Do you think they'll look at me at the end of this all and think 'That's the hero our god sent us, he'll save us.'"

"Never that," she smiles up at me. "You are more demon now than before, you know that right? Your human side of you is slipping," she traces her fingers over my cheek. "But with how everyone's been talking... it feels like they would all toss aside their humanity just for a chance... or maybe a taste."

"What they don't know."

"It would be smart to keep it that way," she glances at the people around us, her eyes scanning the room. "I will be gone soon to look for some answers among our kin. The Nightmares are ancient, primordial, they must've come from somewhere and I'll find you an answer."

"When will you be back?"

"When I found an answer. One that I am happy with," she locks eyes with me again. "I am taking a group of people from here and we are all going to go do some hunting. While I am gone I want you to start learning how to make Nightmares, if you don't find a way let's hope that when I am done with my search I have an answer for you."

With a nod I sigh, "What are you hoping to find?"

"More than stories."

"Then I hope you find what you are looking for."

She nods with a smile, pulling away from me she begins, "There are a lot of people here for you. Lots of faces that you haven't seen that came from the school and they are only here because they believe you were innocent or they are all anarchists just wanting a taste of chaos."

"Who is here?" I ask.

"Other than the obvious?" She twists her lips to the side as she thinks about her answer. "Riven is here somewhere. Yasuo and Kayn as well. Erica has been working hard trying to prove something to herself, Fury is also locked in a cell somewhere. Juno even showed up."

"I'll find them when I manage."

"Good luck," she states. "A lot of them came along for you but that doesn't mean they have the time to see you as well. We better prepare for the worst, Dread." Her expression softens, "Graves will have to be filled, I have no idea what Azreal is capable of but the Nightmares... if they kill something I am not sure if you would be able to bring them back from true death."

"Nobody will die."

"Careful," she says quickly. "A promise like that is usually followed by more casualties your heart is willing to bear. We've lost plenty. YOU lost plenty. There is only so much more we can fit in our hearts before all that's left is revenge. Even demons can be pushed past their edge, even we can go past the brink and never be able to come back."

He'll want to see that, won't he? That is what Despair will be after.

"I'll be careful."

"I'm not worried about you," she glances at Ahri. "Go talk to them, I have to leave in a bit anyway. They'll like to hear from you."

"See you when I see you."

"You will," she winks at me.

I leave her side and head towards Ahri. Her gaze is locked onto a stack of papers, I climb up the steps to her elevated platform. Her ears twitch at the sound of metal creaking under my weight and her tails swing around as she turns around to hug me tightly.

I return the hug, "The greeting I was hoping to get."

"Just this then?" She chuckles, she pulls away to give me a peck on the cheek. "I've had a lot to think about after talking to Memory. I have come up with a theory but I wasn't exactly sure how it would have worked."

I lift my hands to calm her down, "I know we are stretched for time, Ahri, but we still have some time."

She nods. "Sorry. Hey."

"What are you doing here," I ask her as I look at her papers.

"These are... well letters asking for aid. I have a feeling that we are going up against Angels because there are public leaders who rose from nowhere with names like Michael, Raphael, Azreal, and Suriel. All those are Angels."

I cross my arms. "Worse than the Nightmares?"

"They took control over most of the world with little resistance. We've branched out to find more helpers and even now we are getting a lot of people showing up here and being sent out to establish more outposts." She sighs before expressing, "I don't know if worse than the nightmares but they will find a way to turn the whole world against us."

We will be beset on all sides. But the other side doesn't care who the casualty is, it all will pan out in their favour.

Ahri then adds, "There is more."

I furrow my brow, "More?"

"The world is feeling it. The pressure of a new presence is taking over. There are rumours of old-world threats resurfacing. I say we give it months and this world will start tearing itself apart with all of the chaos."

"It feels like time waits for no one."

"Yeah." She shakes her head, "But back to what I was going to say. I wondered if becoming a nightmare isn't ascension but rather... rebirth. The same way you resurrected shadows from the dead you kill."

I furrow my brow, "You don't mean-"

"You can not become something you aren't without the cycle needing to end. Maybe it is a far stretch but the matter of the fact is that it could all end at any moment," she pulls her gaze away from me, her ears lowering.

It is getting to her. The fate of the world, eradication by the hand of the Void awaits us and all we have is me.

Just me.

I clear my throat as I ask, "Has Memory confirmed your theory?"

"He believes it has to come from you. Though not as simple as just giving you a name and moving on... maybe what Despair did to you would be able to give you a better idea of how to go about it?"

I cross my arms to think about it a little. There could perhaps be something to it, but even then it would be a risk.

Shadows of our end - KDA x  Male Reader (Original)Where stories live. Discover now