Act 2 - 035

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"Akali." I greet her with a little wave.

She is seated on top of one of the benches with her attention on something in her lap. She puts it aside, propping her arms up behind her she leans backward to look at me with a faint smile. "What would they say, what would they do?"

I furrow my brow slightly. "About me coming to see you?"

She shrugs. "If you killed him. Let's go with that."

I shake my head slightly. "I don't think it ends well for him, and chances are the world will look at me thinking I am a monster that came back as a revenant from the past with the sole purpose of fucking the guy that fucked me over."

"No way they expect you to not take revenge, (Y/N)."

I rub the back of my neck. "Think I don't know that?"

She lowers her gaze slightly, her smile fading with a pained stare. "I don't know"—she shakes her head before expressing with a sigh—"I don't understand because you won't let me understand, and I am aware that something else is stopping you from telling me."

"Safer for you that way-"

"Fuck safety," she mutters under her breath. "Playing by the rules for whose sake? Ours?"

I step closer and sit down on the bench with my back towards her. "It's a nice day today."

She sighs but takes the invitation to move to a different topic. "Was there something like that? Spending all those days there."

I shake my head. "Every day looked the same, the days were dark and the nights darker. I guess at some point it all blended in perfectly and the only thing that determined a good day was the sounds of guttural screeches or the terrifying silence."

"Were you scared?"

"I was alone," I answer. "There was a brief moment I was scared, then pissed, then vindictive. But the days turned to weeks and I was starting to forget your faces, was clinging to names and words you all once said hoping that I'd keep a memory alive that could very well have moved on without me."

"Yeah..." her tone is brittle. "Here we had each other and chose to split apart, there you were alone." She chuckles as she whispers to herself, "Who the fuck were they kidding, thinking we had it worse when we still had each other."

I don't answer, it isn't meant for me.

"They want to send me back into the Void."

"I am coming with." She states.

"I can't-"

She pushes herself off of the top, crossing her arms at me, "Are you going to tell me to sit tightly knowing that the person that came out of the void is being sent back into it?" She arches her eyebrow at me. "Think anyone is going to take that?"

I shake my head. "I could very well just say this has nothing to do with them, but then again nobody wants to hear that."

"Then why even say it?"

"Thinking aloud," I mutter to myself. "Mind's a mess as it is, Akali."

"Sorry," she takes a deep breath. "What do they have over you that would make you just tuck your tail and follow suit?" She closes the distance resting her hand on my leg she sits down beside me to make me look her in the eye. "Tell me, please trust me with something."

"Everything I have here."

"How could they threaten you with that?" She shakes her head at me. "You've only just gotten back. How is this..." she narrows her eyes before pulling away from me. "You showing up the way you did is making them scared. They don't want to trust you or maybe they think that you are something that should be used before they can't control you anymore."

I don't answer, she's figuring it out herself. She looks up at me to verify her thoughts and give her a firm nod.



"Now what?" She asks me. "Just sit tight? Hope that you find a way out of this mess?"

I lift my gaze to the beautiful blue sky. "Mom said she's doing something to help, with her doing her thing I have a good feeling she'd come up with something but... she made it clear that if there is going to be a war centered around me she'd not hesitate to bring this city crumbling down around their decisions."

"It starts with you, and it will end with you."

I nod. "I don't want that, neither does Mom. I know that it won't stop there so I'll just bite my tongue and push forward. They aren't going to bring me down, my past lives could never bring me down."

They've yet to see real monsters.

They've yet to understand what lengths I'd go to survive.

Akali nods slowly. "If... you ever need me, I'll be there. Don't do this alone."

I nod at her with a smile. "Been alone for years, never letting that happen again." I glance at the buildings in the distance towering above us all. "Don't tell the others just yet, I just have to understand where I am going and how I am going to get there, then we can start from there."

"Waiting on you."

"Thanks," I lift myself.

She lifts herself after me to hug me. I return her embrace, standing in each other's arms for what feels like the shortest moment we both pull away with her digging her hands in her pockets and then gesturing towards the building behind her.

"I'd ask but you look like a busy man."

"I'll catch you and the girls around. Okay?"


"Need me to promise that much?"

She shakes her head. "Promise me that when you figure it out, the first thing you do is not disappear on us again. I don't think any of us have room in our hearts for more loss... we never stopped losing ever since you disappeared (Y/N). This is the first fucking time in years that it feels like something is going our way... they won't be able to take it, I... I don't think I have the strength to dig another grave."

Shadows of our end - KDA x  Male Reader (Original)Where stories live. Discover now