Act 2 - 009

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Will you survive this?

Those words echo in the back of my mind as I slowly regain consciousness, as if mocking me for spending three years of my existence trying to escape the Void that I was trapped inside only to die to a woman who was in the middle of my vengeance.

Maybe I should have gone about it a different way, maybe I should have taken her seriously from the start. I should have known that if the first near-death experience wasn't enough to drop her then there existed a chance the bitch would just get up anyway even after I cleaved her body in half.

"He's waking up," A voice says closer to me.

"That does happen when you heal the bastard."

My eyes shot wide open at the sound of her voice. Across from me, the woman that I had fought mere moments ago is standing against the nearest wall with her arms crossed while she watches me with an intense expression.


I growl at her. "Why are you here..."

The second voice sighs. "I would honestly just focus on the person that is currently saving your life for the third time." I glance at her to see it is Lauren who is crouched down beside me. "Happy to see you found your way back home, (Y/N)."


She nods. "I-"

"Have we made sure this isn't a parasite living off a memory of a kid that used to go to this school? The Void is filled with mind stealers that pose as friends that wait in hiding while they build a nest out of the corpses of your once friends."

"I am sure that isn't the case, Fury."

Fury. An apt name considering that her fighting style is reckless abandon with speed I could barely keep up with... if I knew more about her I'd probably have killed her with powers that she wouldn't have been able to come back from.

She sighs. "Look at me," I return my focus back to Lauren who places her hands on either side of my head. "You look like someone who hasn't slept properly for years..."

"Or a proper bath."

I lower my gaze to my body. "I can't move."

Fury walks up to the two of us. "That's because I made sure to keep your corpse from walking around. Your blood is currently in stasis thanks to a little trick I've picked up hunting monsters with a poison that should wear off after we've gotten permission from the Headmaster to let you walk away from assaulting the Academy."

"I belong here-"

"You don't." She lowers herself. "You don't seem to understand the situation at hand."

Lauren snaps at her. "Leave the kid alone already. He's been at it for years trying to get back home probably to kill someone that trapped him in the Void in the first place, how is he supposed to keep in mind every single detail coming back into the world?"

"He doesn't, he needs to get hit with reality quickly before he starts dreaming."

Lauren shakes her head. "I've... right now your existence is being questioned by the Headmaster and teachers. They don't know what to do with you just yet but they sent me to make sure that you are who they think you are."

"And am I?" I ask her bitterly.

She furrows her brow at me. "(Y/N). Right now I'm all you have, trust me."

Fury states after her, "I'd trust her, kid. They wanted me to kill you but one of the students begged to leave you alive and at least question you... kid's the only reason why the two of us are here to guard your sorry ass."

"Does she know?"

"Kiriko doesn't know you are alive yet."

I move my arms to feel the shackles around them. I clench my fists wondering how much I will have to struggle to rid myself of these bindings. I could snap the chains, I could phase through them but my blood won't work with me because of the paralysis.

Lauren rests her hands on my shoulders. "You were infected."

"I know that!" I snap at her. "How else do you think I survived? Think I made a nice little garden to keep me alive? I've been drinking blood and fucking raw flesh to keep me alive, Lauren! Do you know what I had to do to get back here!?"

Frustrated I laugh at the situation, "Fuck me... no fucking shit I have a parasite inside me. It kept me alive... it's the only reason I could survive. All this time and I am supposed to be kept here and you haven't even told my mother that I am still alive."

Fury chuckles as she whistles, "What are you going to do, Doc? Betraying your own friend's loyalty to you by not even letting her know that her child that she's been mourning is-"

She lifts herself. "She knows he is alive, she just doesn't know he is here yet."

The two of them spin around at the sound of boots on the floor. I can make out the area around me to be an isolated room that looks more like an interrogation room than anything else, I don't know why they'd have one on campus but I am not even surprised for a moment.


Lauren speaks clearly. "This is (Y/N) (L/N). He is still infected with a parasite that I can get rid of completely. Other than that? I have no doubt that this is him who survived the Void on his own to get back home."


"Doc's not lying," she breathes out. "Besides, why ask me? I am just here to keep the place safe from the scary monsters.

"I trust your judgement over that of an old friend of the creature in question."

Creature... is that what I am now? I survived to be treated like a fucking insect.

Shadows of our end - KDA x  Male Reader (Original)Where stories live. Discover now