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as you and your so called allies have finally reached the hall, you saw the Evers and Nevers at both different sides of the hall.

it wasn't surprising to you to feel the gaze of Evers, i mean, you were the only one with a magical seal box trapping you around but what may have come to you as a surprise was that the Nevers gave way to you in order for you take your seat. It was as if they already respected you in a way.

"is that their queen?" one of the Evers whispered to Beatrix.

"don't be ridiculous. Even if she was a queen, what can she do when she's trapped in there" Beatrix mocked you as she smirked, however, you didn't react or say anything in return, not wanting to give her the satisfaction she wanted.

you watch as lady lesso and you presumed, that golden ray of sunshine was the dean of the school for goody two shoes, went up the stage.

"shut up!" lady lesso shouted and the whole hall was dead ass silent. you liked that but no expression was on your face.

"good morning students! i am professor dovey, dean of the school for good" and the Evers chanted their whatever cheer they have.

"they sound like little babies" you said softly and all the Nevers giggled, getting confuse looks from the Evers.

"and I'm Lady Lesso, Dean of the school for Evil" and you just sit there silent as you let the Nevers chanted their cheer.

"now i know who's the Lady and who isn't" you dare said it out loud and heads turn to you as the Nevers giggled in excitement.

dovey breathed in before saying, "moving on.." you can see that lesso was trying to hold in her laugh as well.

dovey then announced that as per tradition, the winning school would perform, as what she meant by tradition was the tradition of good since they always won.

you could feel your eyelids became heavier as the boys of Evers made their little performance and not long after, another boy came in with an entrance.

a girl shouted out, "it's Tedros!" and somehow the other princesses loved him.

hort leaned towards you, "that's Arthur's son. A son of a King, obviously he was going to have his own entrance" hort scoffed and you smiled.

"oh, i saw you smile" hort was shock like a cute little puppy finding out he had a tail.

"don't get use to it, little puppy"

"yes ma'am" and he went back watching the performance.

little did you know, lesso was watching you as she notices your eyes locked onto Tedros and even dovey notices it. To their surprise, you even gave out a little smile

"it seems Tedros have attracted yet another girl" dovey said.

"just when I thought she would be evil's savior"

dovey titled her head in confusion, "and why would you think that?"

lesso didn't answer back but to just watch you fall for that prince but little did anyone else know, you labeled that little prince as a target instead of a love interest.

right after that disgusting performance, everyone went to their first lesson of the day. for the Nevers, it was uglification and as for the Evers, it was beautification. 

"don't we have a special student for today?" the teacher said as he walked in, "and what's with the box you're in?"

"she's the daughter of maleficent" hort said.

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