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It has been 2 weeks since then. You've learn a lot about both Evers and Nevers. You watch them grow, learn and even had fun with them as Jewel. Lesso even had her own fun as she bullies you when you show your sweet side to the kids, be it during class, in the hall, in the dining hall, anywhere basically.

You have realised that the kids have even grown attached to you. Always wanting to be by your side when you're not Jewel, asking and telling all sorts of things and let's just say the teachers, dovey and lesso are proud and happy for you as y/n and not the head master.

However, although you did those tasks as both Jewel and Y/N, you also didn't forget about the imposter. Balancing all your tasks together was no easy job so you decided to take a break from being Jewel.

"Jewel won't be joining us today, huh"

"just taking a break from Jewel. My magic is exhausting me" you rubbed your head and Lesso giggled, "what's your plan for today?"

"finding that imposter" you snarled. Lesso's smile faded as she went to hug you from behind, "just don't hurt yourself alright. I don't want to relive what happened 7 years ago"

"I hope it won't be like that again, too" as you turned around, cupping your wife's face in your hands and kissing her on the lips, "I'll do my best to put a stop to this"

"put a stop to this or not, i dont want you dying on me"

"I promise" you kissed her forehead before leaving, "see you later" Lesso crossed her arms as she said softly, "tell me, storian. She won't go dying on me right?"

"I can't tell you, Leonara, but for comfort, I can say that she's a strong girl. I'm sure she'll do everything in her power to not leave you"

lesso sighed, "thanks.. i guess" she said before going back into the room and getting ready for the day.

you went towards Hort room, knocking it before entering, "Hort"

"y/n? what a nice surprise~" he was joking around as usual. he always try to lighten up the mood with you.

"has anything happen to you recently?" you look at him worried.

"no. the last was when I got stabbed and no more"

"you're saying it like it's nothing" you complained and he just gave you a smile, "sorry" he chuckled.

"how's your wound?" he held onto your hand and looked at you in pity, "y/n, im okay, really. Now, what are you doing here?"

"sorry, i-I'm just really worried" he didn't hesitate but to hug you, "thank you" you hugged him back, "i need you to be in my room from tonight onwards"

"wait what?" he pulled away from the hug.


"sleep? in your tower?" you nodded, "wouldn't lesso mind if i was there?"

"she won't, just think of it as your my brother, living under the same roof" you explained. Hort sigh, "you didn't tell her, didn't you"

"not yet but I'm sure she'll understand"

"no no. you ask your wife first. i don't want to intrude"

"you're not intruding, Hort" the both of you turned to find Lesso, "i followed her, worried she might go hurting herself or something"

"you're really okay with me, sleeping there?"

lesso nodded, "it's not like you're sleeping in the bed with us. It'll be fine" Lesso reassured him and he nodded, "alright then, I'll see you guys tonight then"

"yeah, see you" and you left in a rush.

"she's always letting her emotions get the best of her..." Hort sighed. Lesso placed her hand in his shoulder, "because it's you, Hort. She loves you and you're an amazing friend to her"

Hort smiled, "thank you, lady lesso" and they both giggled, "oh to be a student here again one day" Lesso patted him on the shoulder before both of them left the room.

As Lesso went into her classroom, the students asked, "Lady Lesso, where is Jewel?"

"she's out with the head master today. Now let's start"

As everything else went as per usual, you were starting to relive what happened 7 years ago. Your eyes started to flicker in red, just like 7 years ago as you made your way to the museum, "what the..." you were confuse why was this happening to you. you felt like you had no control over your own body as your legs started to walk on its own and into that secret tomb, just like before.

"mom?" you called out, thinking that maybe her spirit may still be around. you were about to walk out from there when you heard, "my little troubkemaker~"

you turned around, "dad?"

"haha what's up kiddo?"

"your spirit is still here?"

"of course. Why would we leave? Our magic still lives in this tomb so we aren't exactly dead nor alive so haha"
you looked down.

"anyways, what's wrong? it's been so long since you last came. The last time you came was when you got married. How's married life working out for ya?"

"my life with her is amazing, thank you for asking"

"hmm? your face shows differently. what's wrong, little troublemaker?"

"nothing. i just never realised how less I've visited you two"

"don't worry about it, kiddo. you have your own life. We hold no grudges against you"

"w-where's mom?"

"she's asleep"

"oh I see. How have the two of you've been doing?"

"we're good. Wait!" he shouted and you jerked abit as your fiery hair lit up blue.

"haha that's my girl. That blue fiery hair" he sighed, "if only I was alive to be right beside you.."

"it's okay, dad. You've always been with me. I'm sorry for not visiting often"

"now don't you go crying on me, troublemaker. this villain has a soft heart for you so don't you dare cry"
and you started to giggle as tears filled up in your eyes, trying to keep them in, "okay dad"

"I better go now. Head Master things to do.."

"of course. See you around"

you were about to leave when something hit you, "hey dad"


"does pure destruction magic have any effect?"

"effect? Not that I know of"

"oh okay. Just curious. Bye dad"

"bye bye, little troublemaker" and you left, continuing on whatever you wanted to do before it happened.

"who was that?"

"oh, you're awake. did i wake you?"


"oh, our daughter came to visit"

"and i was asleep. Why didn't you wake me?!"

"you were sound asleep. I didn't want to disrupt your beauty sleep- ow ow okay okay!"



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