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A month had passed. You woke up to knocking on the door. You groaned as you got up, "who the fuck..." you were still sleepy from last night session with your wife.

You opened the door as you rubbed your eye, "Hort? what time is it?"

"uh its 3pm?"

"it is?"


"oh" as you yawned.

"you're still sleepy, huh. What did you do last night?"

"you know... stuff" you yawned again, "what do you want, Hort?"

"get ready"

"what for?"

"it's an order from Lesso but I didn't think you would be this up late..." Hort lied as you asked you to hurry up.

"alright alright" you said annoyed as you went back in to get ready. As you got of the showers, Lesso woke up, "morning" as she stretched with a smile on her face.

"it's afternoon, my love"

"oh, is it?" she then went to you to give you a kiss, "where are you going?"

you shrugged, "to be honest, I have no idea. Hort wants me to follow him. He told me it was an order from you"

"from me?"

"yeah? Wait..." you went up to the door, opening it as you frowned your eyebrows at Hort, "oh good afternoon, Lady Lesso. I'm here as you ordered" and he winked at Lesso.

"oh right, I forgot" she chuckled as she pretended to know what was going on, "y/n, can you wait for me?" and you nodded as she got into the showers and quickly got ready.

Afterwards, the three of you were out from the tower and down the stairs. "so where are we going?" you asked with your hands in your pockets.

"to the dining hall" Hort said.

"and why is that?"

"you'll see" he smiled and you were getting suspicious. As the three of you continued walking, Lesso pulled Hort back towards her as she gave him the what's-going-on face. Hort gave her the dumbfounded face and face palmed, he then whispered into her ears, "did you really forget? You were the one planning it?!"

He tried his hardest to hint at her without saying a word and after awhile, she finally got it, "oh yeah!" she thought to herself as her face says it all and Hort nodded.

As you reached the dining hall doors, Lesso cover your eyes as she guided you into the hall. As she took away her hands, everyone shouted, "happy birthday!" your eyes were wide open. This was the first that they had done for you.

"but why?"

Lesso slid her fingers between yours as she held onto your hand, "i know you said you don't like birthday parties but it's been a long time since you last had one didn't it?" as she looked up at you, "the last was when you were 5 and i thought that maybe you just really needed one with people who care about you, y/n. That's when birthday parties are more valuable and memorable"

"you planned this?"

"she planned every single detail" one of the Ever teachers said.

You laughed softly, "you really know me like the back of your hand"

"the ring says it all" as she showed you her hand with the marriage ring. You pulled her in by the waist and kissed her.

"ew, get a room!" Hort faked gagged.

"and that's not even your present" Lesso said.

You titled your head, "its not?" and lesso shake her head.

Curse || Lady Lesso × fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now