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Today marks the day of "break day", yes, the name says it all. A day where students take a break from their everyday class schedule and be free to do whatever they want, although only in their own school as the Evers were scared/traumatised from the lunch chaos that was created by yours truly, y/n.

Dot woke you up by jumping on your bed continuously as you finally woke up, "omg yes! you're finally awake!" she giggled as she left your bed and attended to the others.

"and good morning to you too" you yawned as you rested your head back onto your pillow.

"good morning, jinx" as you stroke your kittens fur and she meows back at you.

"cute kitten" Anadil said.


"where did you get her?" Dot asked.

"I saved her" you said as your eyes were close.

"wait what?" the two of them were shocked.

"please don't tell anyone else. I saved her and thats how I got the seal off"

"I guess that's one way" Anadil shrugged.

You sat up with jinx still lying on your lap, "where's hester?" and the other two just shrugs.

"what are we going to do, today?" Dot asked, not knowing what to do.

"why can't we just sleep for the whole day like some of the other Nevers?" you joked sarcastically as you plopped back down to your bed.

"since when were you so boring?" Hester joked back as she entered the room.

"well, isn't it, Jester the Joker" you said, receiving a scoffed from Hester.

"I see you went soft" as she pointed out to the kitten who was now lying on your stomach.

"hey, jinx has feelings" you covered her fluffy small ears.

"I can't believe this" Hester crosses her arms. You turned your head to look at Hester and your eyes glowed green, "Dot, Anadil, please be a disgrace and give us some privacy" the two didn't have to be told twice as they immediately left the room.

Jinx went out of the way and started roaming around the dorm room. You stood up infront of Hester, looking down at her, "I know your feelings for me"

Hester blinked, "and here i thought you were too dense"

"look, at first, i didnt understand any of this. my whole life, I have never felt this before but now I do and I'm sorry to say this but I don't have any interest in love right now"

"liar, I saw you the other day with Lady Lesso. I don't know what you two were doing but she was leaning towards you and you just sat there. It happened again yesterday. The only difference was that she gave you Jinx and a rose as a present" Hester was as mad as an angry girlfriend.

"hester.. i... look, me and lady lesso are not a couple. yes, I may like her but I'm just not ready for any of this relationship thingys. I made it clear to Lady Lesso yesterday"

"so you two like each other but aren't together?" and you just nodded. She was defeated, "fine. I can't be in love with someone who doesn't love me back" you hugged her, "uhh.. what are you doing?"

"I don't know. I just thought this was the best way to comfort someone"

Hester thought to herself and tried to understand you as your friend, "can we still be friends?" and you nodded.

"can we come in now?" Dot shouted from the other side of the door and the both of you chuckled, "yes you can, Dot" Hester shouted back.

"so where are we going? I'm gonna be bored" Anadil complained, "let's go to the museum. You haven't been there and I want to explore more of it" you said. The three of them looked at each other before nodding and you lead the way.

The four of you were the only ones in the museum since it was never introduced to the students since it wasn't that important but you knew about it because of lesso and you have  her to thank for.

"how cool is this!! all the past villains possessions" Dot said and Hester whispered to them, "don't do anything funny" as she took a quick glance to you. The two of them got the hint, not to trigger you.

"so y/n.. what haven't you decide to unlock your powers?" Anadil asked.

"like i said, i didnt want to steal anyone's spotlight" you answered her as you roam around the museum.

"i'm sure there's another reason to it" Hester said.

"I'm just afraid I might lose control, that's all" you admitted it.

"you? afraid?" Anadil's eyes widened and you just nodded in response, "it's the same thing how you guys are afraid of the rage of Lady Lesso"

"well, can't argue with that" Anadil nervously chuckled.

"is it just me or is everyone just forgetting about Hort?" Dot blurted out in worry.

"what about him? It's way more peaceful without him" Hester joked.

"not funny" Dot frowned her eyebrows.

"alright, calm down. I was just joking" Hester acted as she raised both her hands up in surrender, "the last time I saw him was when he went into our dorm room"

"so y/n was the last to see him?" Dot then looked at you and Hester responded, "yeah"

You glanced over to Hester then to Anadil then finally looked at Dot, "why is it always the sweetest ones that are the scariest?" you said out loud.

"just answer the question" Dot said in annoyance.

"do you like him in that way?" you teased Dot, "he's my friend and I'm worried, that's all. Now where is he?"

"I may or may not know" you continued looking around, avoiding the question.

"it's either you answer or I'm going to call Lady Lesso" Dot threatened you, "we heard everything okay"

"you wouldn't dare" your eyes glowed green.

"watch me" Dot snarled.

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