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It has been a year since you left and a lot has happened.

Dovey, Lesso and Hort had said nothing about you and everyone else just assumes that you were in your tower doing your work.

Lesso was a complete wreck. Every little inconvenience that occurs, even with just a simple noise such as a cough, caused her huge outburst and many Nevers had received all sorts of punishment in the doom room and because of that,
Hort would constantly be in his werewolf form after his work hours to try and comfort her as he was hoping that it would work. Even if it didn't, he would keep trying. It went on for about two months.

Dovey couldn't stand seeing Lesso like this so she stepped in and snapped Lesso out of it as she dragged her out of her classroom one day and no, she didn't stop there. She kept on going till Lesso was on the right track again in which she did succeed after weeks.

Lesso was still a mess even though Dovey had snapped her out of it. She was still hurting inside as she taught her students better now. She didn't apologies nor done anything for her students to make up for her mistake. She had no reason to. She was the Dean.

However, behind the scenes, every morning and every night, lesso would look out the window for awhile to see if you were coming back, hoping that you weren't dead before she continued on her day.

Lesso wasn't the only one hurting. Hort was as well. He would take out his anger or pain in the blue forest as he worked out in there, doing all sorts of things. As for your head master works, Hort decided to do it. He knows how as he has helped you a million times before.

The students were doing alright but they were also missing you and all Hort and Dovey could answer was, "she's just busy". They could have asked Lesso since she was your wife but she had a very scary aura on her which even made the wolf guards afraid to walk in her direction.

And all that happened in a year but yet, you still weren't home.

Moving forward, about half of the year had passed and still nothing.

On one of the afternoons, Hort had just finished his workout in the blue forest. As he cleaned himself in the shower in his room, he had a sudden realisation.

If you could have used your magic to call for him mentally, maybe he could too. He immediately dried himself as he went out of his bathroom and sat on his bed with his robe on. He then looked at his finger. It's been a long time since he last used his magic other than becoming a werewolf.

He decided to give it a shot. It's better than not trying at all. He then close his eyes as his finger glowed, trying to find a way to connect with you but he failed. He sighed. His eyes widen as he remembered the book you gave him.

It was a spell book from you if he ever wanted to try and adventure out his magic. He dusted it off and hurriedly flipped through the pages and he finally found it.

He breathed out as he looked at his finger, "please work..." as he tried it and it worked. His eyes sprung open as he was shocked by what he saw.

You were killing...

Apparently, after winning the fight, you had another fight to win... the fight to return back to your normal self but filled with pure evil, you had been a killer, a pure evil monster for about a year and a half. You were crazy without lesso.

As you sliced off the last person's neck, you heard a voice, "y/n!" you turned around to find no one. You chuckled, "come out come out where ever you are~ I won't hurt you~" as you slowly walked while looking around.

"y/n, wake up!" you frowned your eyebrows, "who are you?"

"what are you doing?!"

"what does it look like im doing?"

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