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your friends saw you as you were dragged by the wrist and they just watch you. you acted like you were in pain and mouthed, "I'm dead"

"she's probably done for" Anadil said.

"into the doom room, she goes" Dot said.

"this is your fault" Hester scolded Hort, "what did I do?"

"for being a simp, that's what" as hester dragged him by the ear and shouted "ow, ow" like a million times.

meanwhile, as soon as the both of you reached lesso's room, she immediately picked you up and started kissing you as she brought you to her bed and laid you down. Still, kissing you, she took off your shirt and pants, leaving you in your undergarments.

"are you really that horny? being lonely all this while?"

"no one was worth the time"

"what about dovey?"

"not my type"

"how sad" you then went to kiss lesso and turned the both of you over, you know towering over her. you smirked and continued kissing her on the lips as you started to slowly, teasingly, open up her cloak, shirt and slowly her pants.

you went from her lips to her chest and slowly down, nearly to her core. you placed kisses around her stomach, teasing her.

"fuck.. y/n.." she was having trouble breathing. you then went to kiss her thighs slowly.

"fuck, y/n... please.... just please..."

"oh, you're so cute, when you beg" you kissed on the lips. you paused for awhile, "i didnt think i would see the day that the Dean of evil would fall so helplessly"

you gave her a peck on the lips before sucking her clit. she moaned and you loved it. her hands clenching onto the bed sheets. you went as rough as you can until she came.

"oh, fuck..." Lesso thought you were done but you were just getting started. You went for her neck and inserted your fingers in her, thrusting in and out. Lesso didn't even try to hide her moans.

"I didn't know you were a bottom" you teased her as you took out your fingers.

She immediately turn you guys over and now she was on top of you "hmm?" you acted cute.

"lets not forget why we started" she said seductively as she went for your neck, sucking it, wanting to leave a hickey.

she placed her leg in between you so you wouldn't be able to move around for any friction. she then placed her fingers in you and started thrusting, slowly, wanting to hear you moan out her name but you refused.

"let me hear you" but yet you were still keeping your mouth shut. your eyes were still shut so she took this opportunity to slowly went down and attacked your clit.

you finally moaned and she finally got what she wanted to hear. she placed one hand onto your thighs and the other on your neck, choking you till you came.

She stood up and so did you, after recovering, still kinda breatheless but you went over lesso and kissed her.

your legs over her as you went to kiss her neck slowly as her head went backwards. you're just enjoying every part of her as your hands roamed around her body.

She placed both of her hands on your cheek so that you would look at her, "y/n... I love you" but all you did was just smiled back.

"can I just spend the whole day with you today?"

"what about your friends?"

"I'm sure they'll understand" you gave her a reassuring smile and you went to change into pajamas, you borrowed hers. The both of you then cuddled on her bed. You snuggled into her as she stroked your head.

However, your eyes were still opened, as your eyes glowed green once more before you closed your eyes.

That night, you woke up. Lesso was deep asleep. You slowly moved out of the bed.

"damn, being the Dean must be really tiring" you thought to yourself before leaving her room and headed straight to the museum.

"now where is that wall.." as you tried to find the wall earlier. Your eyes glowed green when you were near it, "found you" you whispered as you slowly pushed the wall and you found yourself in a secret place. It was like some sort of a tomb.

"what in the world?" as you saw a stone seal infront of the tomb. you placed your hand on it and you went in a trance. you were sent into some dark place. everywhere you turned, it was just pitch black. you made your hair lit up in orange.

you looked around to find nothing but before you wanted to give up, you saw maleficent. you frowned your eyebrows. you went towards her but you just went right through her.

"is this a memory?" as you watched the life of maleficent right infront of your eyes, from when she was born to the life she lived in the fairytale of sleeping beauty. The scene then changed to went she met a man. They were fighting at first to obtain something for themselves but they eventually... fell in love...

It was your father, hades. Everything else then went black and your fiery hair turned blue. You didn't do it, it just happened. It wasn't the normal shade of blue sadness you normally had on, it was like..

"there's my little girl" you turned around to see hades. for some reason, you felt like you were going to cry. The hallucination of maleficent then went through you as she approached Hades. Hades went to her belly and started talking, "how's my little troublemaker doing?" he was talking to you when you were in her tummy.
now you finally knew why you felt some sort of sadness whenever Lesso called you that.

the scene then changed to when she was going to give birth to you. Hades was there for her the whole way. Everything then went black and a gem was infront of you.

"the gem of pure destruction" you said under your breath. Both Maleficent and Hades were by each of your sides as they placed each of their hands on either side of your shoulder, "your time has finally come my dear. It's your choice to make now. To find love or to obtain pure destruction. Whatever your choice may be, we will be proud of you regardless" maleficent said.

"time for you to shine, little troublemaker" Hades smiled.

"but how do i know which one I really want?" you seek for advice from your parents.

"follow your heart, little troublemaker. you'll know when the times come. just like me and your mother"

"but don't you guys resent me? I literally killed mother" you looked down.

"we don't hate you, my dear" - Maleficent

"yeah, things happen, little troublemaker" - Hades

"we have always been with you, in your heart, from then, now and forever after" - Hades & Maleficent

Your eyes glowed green once more as you reached out to take the gem.

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