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Not for long after, lesso whispered again, "my love, the child has been there for awhile. You have to bring him back to class"

"ugh fine"

"that's my good girl" she kissed you on the forehead before moving away from your lap so you can get up.

You used your magic to release him and he spoke, "so you do have a soft spot" you shut him up as you took him by the collar, "if you think you're so cool, try me" he gulped. You let go of him and he fell onto the couch, "well? Go back to class" you said angrily and he ran off.

Lesso giggled as she approached you. Her left hand on your shoulder and her right on your arm, "give him some slack. He is a Never kid"

"annoying one at that" you rolled your eyes. Lesso chuckled as she took your chin in between her fingers so you will look at her, "i was so much better than them back then. Much colder" you said.

"yes you were but you were a big baby deep down"

"you made me that way" you pouted.

"why do i keep missing you more when the kids are around" Lesso sighed and you smiled, "because I'm the best you've ever had"

"indeed you are" the two of you were about to kiss when there was a knock on the door. You sighed as you looked down, "come in"

"oh, sorry for ruining the moment but something happen in the dining hall" Hort(his human self) announced.

"which is?"

"the boy, Ace, tried to poison Vincent, the King's son"

"and?" you gave an unimpressed face but earned a nudge from lesso, "that's bad"

"what's so bad about it? He's a Never" you said.

"and what's rule number 3?"

"not allowed to kill anyone until after graduation"

"exactly. And the fact that he got caught is just sad. I'm going to him" Lesso walked pass you. You sighed as you and Hort followed her from behind.

You watch as Lesso handled him. You liked watching her do her job as the Dean of Evil. One of the many things you enjoyed.

"I have a feeling Good will win this year" as he took a bite from his apple.

"and where did you get that?"

"your office" as he took another bite

"no, i mean that theory that Good will win this time"

"are you mad?"

"I'm not mad, I'm just curious" you were genuinely curious. You may be evil but you're not that evil, however, sometimes Hort still doesn't get it.



"alright alright. I mean look at your- I mean your students now. Compare them to previous ones. Yeah, our friends' babies are doing well but we need more than just three Nevers to make evil win. You know the charts and it just seems to me that Good will win" he took another bite, "Evil has won for 3 years now. What if the kids here are just slacking?"

"who knows. If they are, it would be nice to have Good win again"

"you know what still amazes me?"


"you. The fact that your an evil school master and the most favourite villain, yet you still manage to balance the good and evil in the outside world"

"well, someone has to do it. It might as well be me"

"true" as he finished up his apple.

As Lesso and Dovey were wrapping up whatever is going on, you gestured Hort to follow you to the school for good. Now it's time to check the Evers out.

You leaned against the tree as you watch the boys do archery, "you're eyeing on him aren't you"

"what about it" you glanced over at Hort before looking back at the boy.

"nothing. I work and live with you for so long, it's like I know your every little movements"

"it's been 7 years and you're always by my side. Of course you would pick it up" you frowned, "and now you're just mentioning this things?"

"hey, I was a slow Hort back then okay. Don't judge" and you chuckled.

"hey, isn't that the head master?" one of the boys said as he pulled his arrow.

"i wonder what she wants?" one of the boy was genuinely curious.

"I haven't seen a pretty lady such as herself in a long time" one of them said as he let go of his arrow.

"it seems she has her eye on you, Vincent"

Vincent looked at you and he bowed before continuing what he was doing, "I'm sure she's just worried about what happened earlier"

"does it not amaze you how she is an Evil Head Master and yet, sometimes she does help the Good win" one of the boys said.

"she has to balance the good and evil after all. She isn't the Head Master for no reason" Vincent said as he pulled another arrow.

You walked off and into beautification class, yes, it's still there. You opened the door and the teacher stopped in her tracks and so did everyone.

"ah, y/n. What a surprise to have you here"

"how's your first day here?" you asked her. You knew you could have asked later but you didn't care.

"it's all good so far, thank you"

"where is Ms Anemone?" one of the girls asked.

"she left this school for reasons so this is her friend that she recommended" you answered before looking back at the new teacher as you smiled, "I'll just be here. Continue what you were doing, Ms Eva" as you took a seat the back and so did Hort. As the class ended, the teacher left first but the students stayed behind.

"don't you have another class?"

"well, it's not like everyday the school head master would just visit the class. My mother told me you never visited her class even once when she came here"

"and you are?" you had your nice personality on.

"I'm the granddaughter of cinderella"

"you mean like the great great alot of great granddaughter?" the other girls laughed.

"yeah. I didn't want to add on so many great in there"

"cinderella... that's cute. So you're following in your.. many greats... grandma foot step?"

"not exactly. I want to be an independent woman"

"I like your spirit" you winked at her, "and what about you?" you pointed at another.

"I think you know my mother. I'm the daughter of Queen Beatrix"

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