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"m'lady, have you ever been in love?" you asked, tilting your head.

Lesso was stunned, she didn't know what to say, "and why are you asking this?"

"just curious is all, m'lady" you said, not knowing that Lesso just wants to kiss you and hug you.

"no, I haven't" Lesso lied, "what about you?" and you shrugged, "i don't think so. Never really had interest in love" Lesso just nodded and walked away, not wanting to fight with herself any longer.

That night, Lesso followed you, as you quietly made your way into the museum. Lesso did her best to stay quiet as she watches you. She followed you as you pushed the wall. She waited for awhile before doing the same. When she went in, she found herself in a tomb and you were there, like in a trance, as you held onto your mother's stone seal.

"this must be her mother's..." Lesso thought to herself. She hid herself somewhere as she watches you awakened back with the gem in your hand.

"the gem of pure destruction" Lesso's eyes widened as she saw. She hid herself again and let you exit the place. When you finally left, Lesso went around the tomb.

"what are you doing here?" the voice echoed as it spoke again, "you must be lady lesso, Dean of the school for evil" the statue eyes glowed green.

Lesso: Maleficent?

Maleficent: yes, it is me. I see my daughter have piqued your interest, otherwise, you wouldn't be here

Lesso: with all due respect, I thought you died?

Maleficent: I did. At childbirth, however, Hades used up his powers and sent us here I  this tomb so we can guide our little devil to wherever she wants to be

???: hey! would you look at that! it's the lady

Maleficent: shut up, darling

Hades: will do

Maleficent: so tell me why have our daughter piqued your interest?

Hades: you love her, don't you? I can see it in your eyes *teasing*

Maleficent: I'm sure you can tell where y/n gets her goofyness from

Hades: what can I say? She's a daddy's girl

Hades: look, I'm just going to cut to the chase, you really love our daughter do you?

Lesso: yes sir

Hades: I know this because we've been following her around so we know what's going on. And you seem to have piqued her interest too

Maleficent: Hades..!!!

Hades: relax.. Im just giving her a boost.

Hades: so tell me why do you love my daughter? Because she's evil savior or what? Talk to me

Lesso: She just makes me feel happy. It just happens. Whenever I'm stressed out with something, she'll be there and i feel calmed down. I can never stay mad at her whenever she does something good. I guess its something called a soft spot. I don't know how much y/n loves me back but I'm willing to give my all to have her.

Maleficent: a soft spot. Just like how i have it with Hades. That's how I tolerate him

Hades: I love you too, my queen. But anyways, back to the topic at hand, if you really love my daughter, show her that you do. Be it if she chose love or pure evilness, i honestly would be happy either way. My little troublemaker blossoms *crying*

Maleficent: either way, show her that you care for the real her. I know my troublemaker, she will definitely choose pure evil so be prepared for the worst.

Lesso thanked the both of them. As she was about to leave, Maleficent called for her back, "remember lesso, the difference between good and evil is that we know that love isn't the only thing to have a happy ending" Lesso bowed her head down before leaving.

Lesso leaned against the wall as she slowly falls to the ground with a heavy sigh. She just sat there as she waited for night to fall.

She made her way to your dorm as she quietly opened the door. To her surprise, you were awake, looking out the window. She faked coughed softly and you turned around. She tried her best to potray her normal Dean face as you approached her. She may or may not have gulped as her eyes never left yours.

She was surprised as you took her by her hand and let her outside, "do what I owe the pleasure of having you here, m'lady?" she was melting in your eyes and you were oblivious since you just had learned about your feelings from dovey.

"how could you be so calm?" she said softly, almost wanting to cry. you titled your head, "i just am?", she mentally slapped herself back to reality, "let's test you out", you smirked, "in what way, m'lady?"
She chuckled, you were always that bold, "just follow me" she took you by the hand and lead you to where she wanted to. You were confuse why she's holding onto your hand instead of your wrist but for her, she couldn't handle it anymore. She craved for your touch.

"the blue forest?" you looked up at her, "weren't you just scolding me earlier on about how I sent Hort here?"

"you didn't do on purpose, now did you?"

"nope" you shake your head.

"Hort said he felt like he was trapped in his own body. Not being able to control it and yet, you're not controlling him. Which can mean that you're more capable than you may think" obviously you knew you were because of you're destiny but you didn't know that Lesso had lived up to that chapter already.

Lesso didn't wasted another second but to just drag you inside and you happily followed.

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