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he was right, he wasn't an Ever, the things he did made him a Never and you knew about what his dad did to get kicked out but other than that, nothing else, you don't know how he feels and etc., you aren't God.

so you stayed with him in your owl form, awhile longer, listening to the boy rant, "i could have a life right now, but because of the things I have to do, my life is meaningless at this point" he said in frustration as he curled up into a ball, "why is my dad so hung up on being king? if it wasn't for him, me and Vincent would still be friends.." you wanted to comfort him but not in your normal form because you wanted to learn more about this boy, he was always so quite while the other Nevers were as wild as ever.

"will you be my friend then?" he looked at you as he placed his arm onto the ground in which you went onto it. He lifted his arm infront of him with a smile, "I'll take that as a yes"

"oh that reminds me, are you the head master's pet? i can tell the head master love barn owls. she can even turn into... one.." he had that realisation, "are you the head master?" as an owl, you didn't respond back but to just clean up your left wing, he chuckled, "i guess not, huh" you then took flight as you flew around.

"daughter of maleficent, yet, the head master doesn't turn into a dragon..." he lifted his arm so you would land onto it, and you did, "... I wonder why and yet, its not like I could ask her" he sighed, "well, I better get going, it's time for the head master class, see you later" he gestured you to fly off and you flew back onto the tree branch. He waved at you goodbye before closing the door of the secret garden. You turned back into your normal form as you sat on the tree branch, "hmm"

yes, it has been a long time, since you last taught this class. This class only happens when your present which is like once awhile or once a month, whicher suits for your availability, so today, during your class, you taught them as per usual, their combat skills and strength, just without Hort this time round but at the same time, your head was in a mess. You had a imposter on the loose, most probably a love story and may or may not be someone's death story. Being the head master for years, you have never ever witnessed more than one personal adventure in your school and it was rather exciting, yet, so annoying.

your students got better from the last time you saw them and you gave them an impressed look, "it seems you kids have been training"

"here to impress the head master and of course, our parents as well" one of them said and you gave them a thumbs up before continuing on your class. As your class ended, they all wanted a hi-five from you. You were hesitant at first but agreed anyways and seeing their cheerful smiles, made you smile as well.

As you close the blue forest's door behind you, you saw your wife, "it seems the kids had fun with you, head master" as she booped your nose.

"all I did was gave them a hi-five"

"maybe this nice persona you're giving to them, may not be such a bad thing after all"

"like i said, i wanted to try it again and have something new. Do you remember when I last did this?"

Lesso giggled, "they got too comfortable and got on your bad side. That was hilarious to watch. I think those kids back then were traumatised even till their graduation" and the both of you laugh.

"how's Hort?" Lesso asks you as she placed her hand on your cheek. You held onto it and just melted at her touch, "i miss you"

"you see me everyday, my love. now answer the question"

"he's fine. I'm still trying to find the imposter with so many things on hand" you sighed, "how was your class, m'lady?"

"their talents have improved and let me tell you how happy they were when they told me that they were excited to show it to you"

"in which they did. i would be lying if  say I wasn't proud" Lesso then gave you a peck on the lips and you raised an eyebrow, "i see, m'lady" you said before pulling her in by her waist and in for a kiss. She smiled in between the kiss.

The both of you then turned your head when you heard a gasp and it was the kids. "oh no.." you smiled as you leaned against your wife's chest and she giggled, "we've been caught, my love" you pointed at them with a playful angry face, "i don't want to hear a word about this outside" the kids giggled as they bowed, "yes head master!" you wiped your face before giving out an embarrassing sigh, "you kids will be the death of me. Now go" and with that, they leave. You look back at your wife, "this batch really is something" you pulled her in for another kiss but you notice one more kid left behind.

"ace?" you said. He gulped before approaching you, "yes?" as you straightened your posture.

"may I ask you a question, head master?" and you nodded. "do you have a pet owl?" you nodded again, "why?" you knew he was talking about earlier, "do you understand what she says?"

"i don't speak owl so no. Did you meet her somewhere?" and he nodded. You didn't want to ask him anything else so he bowed to you before he left.

"I didn't know you have a pet owl" Lesso looks up at you and you shake your head, "then why did you- oh" she then got it.

"you're not jealous are you?"

"why would I be jealous of children? It's your fault for having such hotness and they're just 15 or 16, it's normally for them to have this feelings. The same way how you felt for me when you were 18" she smirked.

"an evil dean, yet, so fucking hot" you gave her an evil smirk and she smiled back at you, "my good girl"

"of course I am" and you leaned in for another kiss.

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