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"I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun in here" Lesso said, strictly. You noticed her different little movements. You stood infront of her and looked deeply into her eyes as she tries to contain herself from the inside, "are you okay, m'lady? You seemed off"

"back up" as she pushed you away with her cane, "now show me what you've got" Lesso doesn't know what she's doing but she's going with her gut feeling.

You did as you were told and walked straight ahead as Lesso just watch you from a far.

"oh pretty flower" you said as you leaned in towards it. The flower snaps at you but you cut it off by its stem, "the definition of beauty can kill you... how boring" and you walked off.

Lesso smiles as she thought to herself, "just like before"

you then came across a scarecrow, "what's so scary about this scarecrow?" you look at lesso but she doesn't say a word. The scarecrow then turn to life, smiling as it was about to attack you. Lesso knew what was going to happen so she stayed still as your eyes glowed green, "kneel down" and it did. It kneeled infront of you and you smiled.

Lesso was still okay as she knows what would happen in the blue forest since she has been here with you twice but she's hoping that nothing new will pop out.

"wait, what's that?" you just run off like a child and Lesso knew what you've found.

"I didn't know there's a cliff here" you were enjoy the night sky as Lesso slowly walked up. She got lost in the moment when she forgot what happens next,

"I've seen a better view than this"

"you have?" Lesso said and you nodded, "i dont know this feeling but if I can describe it, it would feel like my birthday everyday" Lesso chuckles, forgetting about the unstable part of the cliff.

To her surprise, you jumped to her before the edge could have fallen. Your body leaning against hers as you watch the edge fall while her eyes were on you. You felt her heartbeat beating faster so you looked up at her, "Lesso.. your heart.." she wanted to lean in for a kiss but she stopped herself mentally. You watched her as she adjusted her neck tie, "tell me,
y/n, what do you want? Find it really deep down and tell me"

"you're not calling me little troublemaker" you gulped, "i guess this is serious" you backed away as you look back to the night view, "what I want, huh? To be honest with you, m'lady, I don't even know. I just want to be able to rule the world with people I love and trust by my side" you looked at her, "i mean love isn't the only thing to have in a happy ending. That's what I hate about those Evers. All they see is finding that one true love and nothing more. What about you m'lady?"

"I never really thought about it" she said emotionless.

"right, the Dean of the school for evil. You must have a lot on your mind" you chuckled.

"is that what you really feel, y/n?" and you nodded.

"if i find my one love and if we're meant to be, then so be it"

"I thought you don't have any interest in love" Lesso raised an eyebrow.

"I don't but after speaking with Professor Dovey, if it so happens, I find them one day, then I guess it happens. If my mom and dad, I don't see why I can't" you then sat on a nearby log as you made a fire started.

Lesso sat beside you, "you see, m'lady, I don't believe that anyone is truly evil or good. Everyone has a little bit of each. Just like you said, it's about what we do that makes us a Never or an Ever.. but.. people just can't seem to look right pass by the Nevers so they would think nothing but the worst, maybe that's why there is so many hidden stories of so many villains like how they fell in love and things like that. Because the world..." you looked up to the stars,"...don't want to see the evil have a happy ending like them"

"well, whether we like it or not, that's just the cruelty of the outside world" Lesso said as she placed her coat around you.

"so you do know why after all?" and Lesso nodded, "only a few smart students such as yourself can see this world pass its fantasy. Most of them can't see that and just accept their written fate"

"are you accepting your written fate, lesso?"

"a side character of someone's else's story... yea maybe"

"that just sounds sad..."

"I can't do anything about it, that's why, the storian chooses the best to have their own story and brought out to the outside world" Lesso notices you smiling, "and what's with that smile?"

"oh this? Why? Can't I smile?"

"I never say you couldn't. I just asked why"

you giggled, "I just like this. Sitting here, enjoying the night sky, and talking to someone about things that I won't normally talk about and just feel free" you used your magic and some marshmallow appear. You started cooking them, "I never had this. My whole life in the orphanage, I was feared and hated my whole life so I just watch as the other kids played games and had camp trips with each other while I'm just in that room. I thought being here wouldn't be much differenve but then meeting everyone and you... well.. everything changed.. I don't feel so trapped like i did before.." you said as you took bites off your marshmallow.

"you must really had bottled up everything inside huh?"

you had a smile on your face with teary eyes, "yeah. I never understood myself till Dovey explained it to me. Now, I'm just a mess inside. My destiny.." you whispered the last two words but Lesso heard it and she knows your destiny which hurts her to see you this way.

"I wonder what's it like to be in love? Like really in love?" you wanted to change the topic as you wiped your tears away, "I'm sure you wonder that too right, since you didn't fall in love before..."

"actually, i did"

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