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you woke up to see hester's face. you thought you were dreaming at first but after opening up your eyes fully, you realised you weren't. "and how long have you been looking at me?"

"just for a few seconds" she answered as you stood up. You didn't see Anadil or Dot, "where are they?"

"dining hall. You're missing breakfast you know"

"I don't have an appetite right now, and what about you?"

"I already ate. I just came to check up on you"

"aren't you sweet" you teased hester, hoping to forget last night but the memory was so vivid. you can't believe you just confessed your feelings. how pathetic of you but was it really love? it couldn't be.

"ugh, why do you look so happy?" you tried going back to your old previous self, trying to erase all these weak feelings.

"because today is a big day, you dummy" she hit on your head and you smiled, "alright, what's the occasion, little bunny?" hester may or may have not blushed at that nickname. she was getting furious that you were so dense to not still get the hint that she likes you, even after she kissed you. she felt like she was going crazy. 

"today we get to unlock our powers"

"don't we already have powers?" you raised an eyebrow.

"we do but it has its limits. with unlocking our powers today, we will be able to use it to its full potential"

"wait, to its full potential?" and hester nodded her head, "when does this ceremony starts?" your attention fully on her as you leaned in. she gulped, "umm..." 

your eyes glowed green. you titled your head, "well?" 

"t-today... right after breakfast. everyone assembles to the hall.."

you then straighten your posture, "i see. thanks for that information" 

"no problem" she smiled and leaned in to kiss you but you were dumb enough to not know her intention so you stood up and walked off the bed. hester sighed as she watches you looking at your hands, "imagine the things I could do, finally..." as you clenched your fist. 

"yeah.." hester says in disappointment.

"don't you see, hester, the fun can finally begin" you turned to look at her but to come face to face with a disappointed face. Hester snaps at you, "how can you be do dense?!" and she just storms off the room. As she did that, Hort came in. 

"what do you want Hort?" you crossed your arms. He didn't say anything as he approaches you and straighten out his hand towards you with his head down. An envelope in his hands, "what is this?" you said as you took it from his hands. After you took it, he stood there, fiddling with his fingers as you read the letter.

dear y/n, when I first say you, you were the most beautiful villain that I have ever seen. I was so happy when you talked to me even if it was for awhile. I appreciate everything that you do. I understand that you can't love me because maybe you weren't interested in love or maybe your eyes is set on another but regardless, even if your heart wasn't for mine, I would still be here, willing to help you even if it's just being friends.

you wanted to gag but then again, this was actually sweet. like what Lesso had said, that you were slowly learning about these feelings that others have felt. The thing is that, for all your life, you have always had admirers and took advantage of the fact that love drives people crazy. Those in love will do anything to be together with/for their partner. You used your previous victims to do as you please and never understood why they did what they did. 

You had never felt anything for anyone nor even for the sorceror who nurtures you endlessly but ever since, coming to this school, you're starting to feel things that others have felt before in their lifetime. Once at the museum, once with Dot, once with the kitten, once with Lady Lesso and now, once with Hort. 

Now that you're finally experiencing these feelings, you wanted to learn more and came to accept who you were becoming but that thought was interrupted when reality hits you. You mentally shake yourself back up and looked at Hort with a sweet smile, "that's so sweet, Hort, but I'm sorry. I only see you as a friend" 

He smiled back, "that's okay. I understand. As long as we're still friends" 

You took his hand, "of course but you said you'll still be here right?" and he nodded. You smiled, "do me a favor, will you? for a friend"

"of course" he says. 

"be a good puppy for me when i need you?" your eyes glowed green and so does he. You finally put him in a trance. 

he replies back, "yes my queen" 

"now go back to whatever you wanted to do"

"yes my queen" and he left the room. Your magic can only do so much and now that you're finally going to be free, everything will go just smoothly. Nothing will stand in your way.

You went out of your room and head straight towards the hall. You were behind the big ass curtains as you took a peek. Everyone was already in line as they got their powers unlocked. You were ready to get out there but then you saw Lesso and for some reason, you felt like you were in a trance and couldn't move. 

Your mind was then hit back to reality as your eyes glowed green. You shook your head and thought to yourself, "what is going on with me?!" You were having second thoughts now, "I need to get figured out"

You couldn't wait so you decided to teleport to professor dovey's room but then realised that you had never really been into the school for good so you didn't know the structure of the building. Your teleportation powers, without knowing the place, your powers won't bring you there and would instead bring you somewhere with a familiar structure. So if you wanted to go to dovey's office, you would have teleported to Lesso's office instead. 

"ugh stupid powers" you cursed under your breathe. you waited for everyone to leave and went into the hall. 

"little troublemaker~" Lesso said, happy to see you. However, she was confused as why you went over to Dovey instead who was standing beside her. Dovey glances over at Lesso with confusion and Lesso just frowns her eyebrows. 

"I need to speak to you, Professor Dovey" 

"what is it?" Dovey was kind of concerned, thinking maybe you thought you were an Ever instead. 

"in private" you paused for awhile, "please... in your office"

"well, I-" you didn't let her finish but to just grab her by the wrist and walks away, leaving a very jealous Lesso in the hall.

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