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you and lesso's relationship have been in a book and sent out to the outside world, however, this year batch didn't read it unfortunately. It didn't help either because infront of the students, you and lesso don't show your love openly so it's like to those who know, knows, to those who don't, don't. And now the kids are fighting.

Although they were still eyeing and fawning over you as an eye candy, however, the word marriage to them was something very importantly romantic and exciting. I mean they were only sixteen so it was normal to dream about romance in their life.

"you think?!" you just kept quiet, "and what about this wife thing?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I was doing my errands-"

"get to the point" your wife's arms were crossed.

"one of the princess asked when they could talk to me again and I replied saying that I would need to ask my wife first-"

"and you looked at clarissa while saying it?!"

"god no! I said it in full before looking at clarissa. The students just misinterpreted it"

"I have seen students fawn over you multiple of times, y/n, but never in my life have this happened" Dovey said.

To your surprise, Vincent stood up and approached them, "this behavior of yours, both Nevers and Evers, is unacceptable. You don't have to go and fight and yell at each other continously when there is clearly one big solution to it. Just ask Ms y/n. One simple and clear solution" the kids got quite and listened to Vincent. He was their future king to be after all and they realised he was right. Vincent sighed as he walked up to you, "Ms, if I may ask, who is your wife?"

"lady lesso" as you pulled her in closer to you by the waist. Vincent bowed to you before turning and walking back to them, "see. It's that easy"

"the future king of camelot" Dovey said. She then turned to both of you, "that reminds me. I don't see you wearing your ring often. Like lesso, she's always wearing it but you.."

You let go of lesso and look at your finger to make sure you were wearing it before answering, "ah that's because before that, i had to fly alot and i didn't want to lose it so I always put it in my pocket. Sometimes I forgot to wear it back" you explained.

"it's so cute how you don't want to lose it" Lesso smiled at you, not wanting to get all lovey dovey infront of the kids.

"well, that's one way to start the day" you referred to the scene earlier as you placed both of your hands into your pocket(it's a habit of yours)

Both Evers and Nevers then came up to the three of you to apologise. Dovey and Lesso accepted it but you gave them an unpleased look, "what's wrong? Not going to forgive them?" Dovey asked.

"I don't know. It's only their second day here and I don't think I like it as much" as your eyes glowed red with a low voice and you watch them tremble. You then give out a sudden laughter and Lesso nudged you. You wiped your tears of your face, "I'm joking. You all are forgiven. You are kids anyways but remember, just don't cross the line. I don't want you to get on my bad side"

"it's not like everyday you get to see her like this. She was once nice to a batch, just once, so you all better be grateful" Dovey explained and they all thanked you.

"alright alright, get back to class" you gestured them and they all dispersed.

"you'll be a great mom one day" Hort said out of nowhere as he gave you a thumb up. You looked at him with a soft chuckle, "i dont think so but thanks"

"you'll be a great mother when your ready" Dovey smiled.

"for now, she's still my little baby" as Lesso took you by your chin so you will look at her and you smiled at her.

Hort faked gagged, "she's already 25" you then pulled him by the ear, "I'll take my leave first" you kissed lesso on the cheek before leaving the room while still pulling Hort by his ear.

"those two are inseperable" dovey commented.

"yeah but it's for the best. it's sweet to have at least one friend with her. My girl has grown so much yet she's still a big baby inside" Lesso chuckled and made her way to her castle and so did Dovey.

You headed back to your tower while Hort went to do his job with the other guards. You leaned backwards on your chair as you gave out a very heavy sigh.

"everything alright there?" the storian started talking as it wrote.

"I'm fine"

"yeah sure. Giving out that loud sigh and stress face, you're definitely fine"

you let out a sarcastic chuckle, "really? You're gonna do me like that"

"I'm just giving out the obvious fact" the storian said and you let out a fake and forcefull laughter, "alright what's wrong?" the storian stopped writing as it faces you.

"im sure you already know what's wrong"

"I do but I want to hear it coming out from you" you had always find the storian annoying but surprisingly, it can be sweet at times.

"I just miss them"


"don't act dumb"

"okay okay. It's normal to feel that way. Memories live on and-"

"and it's always the best one that hurts the most. Yea yea i hear that like a million times" you sighed as you straightened your posture, "is just that in the dining hall earlier, it reminded me of the past. Always having fun with them especially Hester, Dot, Anadil..."

"look at the bright side, you met them last at your wedding and im sure they're doing well. I can tell"

"thanks for making me feel better?" you chuckle softly.

"anytime" the storian went back to writing and you shake your head with a small smile.

"such a weird storian" you thought to yourself and you continued back whatever work you had.

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