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"hester?" Dot whispered. Anadil was behind her.

Hester immediately covered Dot's mouth and walked away from the classroom. When they were far enough, Dot took Hester hand away and asked, "what were you doing?"

"spying on y/n?" Anadil said. Hester looked away as her arms were crossed.

"are you in love with y/n?" Anadil said.

"and where did you get that theory?" Dot looked at Anadil. Anadil look back at Hester, "i saw her kissed y/n on the lips"

"what?!" Dot shouted as she looks back at Hester.

"oh, shut up. Look, I never wanted it to happen. It just did"

"when did it start?" Dot titled her head.

"that day at the dining hall when y/n came in with lady lesso" Anadil crossed her arm. Dot who was trying to process everything, "was it, hester?" and hester nodded. To her surprise, Dot and Anadil hugged her.

"our bestie is in love" as they jumped in joy and hester had to shush them, "but then again, y/n might be in love with lady lesso" Dot frowned.

"she is an adult unlike us" Anadil said.

"wait, she isnt the same age as us?" Hester got out from the hug.

"she's a year older than us. Didn't you know that?" Dot said.

"she's 18?" and the two nodded their heads.

"it seems that you were falling in love, you forgot how old she was" Anadil teased hester and Dot was laughing along.

little did hester know, someone else was spying on y/n as well. Little did y/n even knew, she already has two secret admirers but she was too busy just to figure out her feelings right now as her eyes were still on lesso's.

"lady lesso?"

"cat got your tongue?"

you finally came back to your senses and pulled back with your chair. you tried to breathe as you stood up and walk pass by lesso but your breathing was getting harder.

"I just don't get it!" as you turned back to face her. Lesso then leaned backwards onto your table as she raised an eyebrow.

"what is going on with me?! i just don't get it!!" you shouted at lesso and just stormed off. Lesso was frowning her eyebrows, trying to understand what you were trying to say and so she chose to follow you.

"y/n?" hester said but you ignored her and just walk pass by her. she wanted to run after you but when she realised the person who was chasing after you, she stopped in her tracks. Hester frowned her eyebrows as she watches Lady Lesso chase after you.

You didn't know where else to go so you went to a place where you hope no one will ever find you. You went up to a tower. You didn't care whether you were to fall but took the chance. You saw as stairs appeared as you stand on them. You closed the door behind you as you were shock to see a book with a quill.

You walked slowly towards the quill and saw the quill write something down non-stop. You stepped at least a few meter away from the quill as you heard someone narrating your every move. You frowned your eyebrows, looking around to find no one.

"as y/n turn around to find no one but her and just a strange voice. She then realised that it was only just her and this quill"

you thought for a second, "I'm guessing your the storian"

"smart child" the storian said. You chuckled, "master told me"

"y/n?" you turned around to find lesso. you were hoping that she didn't hear the word you just said because if she had, you would have to come up with another plan and you really didn't want to.

"the two was silent. Leonara wanted to say something to y/n but couldn't find the words while y/n was trying to figure out why she was feeling these things for Leonara"

Lesso looked at y/n in shock and y/n was trying to defend herself, "i-"

"y/n was getting nervous on how to try to defend herself from the beauty infront of her"

"will you please be quite?" y/n faced the storian.

"since you asked politely, i will" and the storian was quite as it continued writing whatever it was writing on that big ass book.

"let's get out of here" y/n suggested and walked out of the tower. After you walked down the stairs, you stop with lesso standing behind you.

Lesso decided to break the awkward silence, "so what of the feelings you feel for me?"

You looked at her, "it's weird"
Lesso didn't say anything but just listen to you.

"there is something wrong with me ever since I came to this school. I start to gain this feelings that I have NEVER ever felt before..." you wanted to stop at there but you just snapped, "the seal was broken off just because I saved a kitten in the school for good and apparently, I have a soft spot for it. Then I'm starting to feel sense of regret and pain when I saw my mother's possessions in that stupid museum, then happiness and proundness for someone then this weird tingly thing for you"

"weird tingly thing such as?" Lesso pulled you by the waist which caught you by surprise.

"i... my heart starts to beat faster.. my body starts to heat up and i just get lost in your eyes.." you were getting lost in her right now as you said softly.

lesso smiled. she finally knew how you felt and little did you know that she was feeling the same way towards you. she didn't want to voice out her feelings since she was the Dean of the school and also because she didn't want to get her heart broken again... the last time she loved someone, he broke her and she became the person she is today.

she didn't know why she fell in love with a younger girl but something about you kept her guessing. the way you were bold, smart, and kinda dominating and charming, she loves that about you and before she knew it, she was falling.

you took a step back as you came back to your senses, "i just don't get this feelings. For all my 18 years of life, I've never felt this things..."

Lesso placed her hand on your shoulders, "its part of growing up, y/n. You were stuck in that orphanage for all your life, that you didn't have a chance like others to experience this things that triggers the feelings and this school is giving you that chance. you're learning more about yourself. you will finally slowly understand why others feel the way they do"

"eww" you gagged, thinking about the idea of you feeling all this weakly feelings.

You then took a glance over her and saw him, you whispered out, "master?"
There was that name again that you spoke and Lesso turned around quickly but to find no one there.

"I.. got to go" and just like that, you left lesso again.

"i swear to all that is evil.. if its that bastard again.." Lesso snarled.

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