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"Dovey!" Lesso found Dovey coming out from the school master's tower.

"Lesso? Is everything alright?"

"why were you-" Lesso shook her head, "nevermind. we have a problem!"

"a problem?"

"it's y/n..." Lesso said worriedly.

Dovey giggled and Lesso just frowns her eyebrows at her, "this isn't funny!"

"it is. You, Leonara Lesso, having a relationship problem" Dovey just kept laughing as she clapped with tears in her eyes. She wiped her tears away, "alright what's the problem?"

"it's rafal!"


"I think he got y/n..."

"are you kidding me?! why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"for the record, i didn't know till today and you just kept laughing. so it's your fault!"


"stop screaming and help me!" Lesso shouted.

"alright, let's-" dovey was cut off by screaming and i mean a lot of screaming coming from the school for good. "oh no..." Dovey lifted up her dress and the both of them ran. The big doors of the ball opened up, revealing some sort of firey hell.

On every wall, every furniture, there was fire and all the Evers were trapped in individual cages.

"Professor Dovey!" Beatrix was screaming.

"is this really want you wanted Lesso?" Dovey looked up at Lesso in disappointment, "for evil to finally win?!"

"no.. I did but this isn't what I wanted at all!" Lesso said.

"this is why evil doesn't win at all! The chaos and everything!" Lesso looked at Dovey angrily. After she realised what she said, she covered her mouth with her hands, "no, lesso, i didnt mean that..."

"did you really thought that way? so all this while... you were never felt sorry for me. You were just happy for yourself"

"of course, I was happy, Lesso. I'm the Dean of the school for good, of course, I'll be happy that good has been winning for 200 years"

The fire then slowly calmed down and disappeared, "and i thought the good had empathy~" they turned to find you smiling.



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(Your new outfit btw, with the necklace that master gave you) -----

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(Your new outfit btw, with the necklace that master gave you)

"well, now, lesso you finally found evil's savior. You must be very happy" Dovey frowned, tears filling up her eyes.

"oh don't cry, Clarissa. Good will win again, after 200 years" you laughed evilly as you smirked.

"y/n.." Lesso looked at you as you swayed your fingers with blood magic.

"are you happy, my love? Evil will finally rise and good will fall" you then looked over at Dovey and smiled as you trapped her in the cage and up there with everyone else.

"y/n... your powers.. what has rafal done to you?"

"this is my power at its fullest potential"

"y/n, no, rafal has manipulated you into doing this. Blood magic will take control over you. You will be in its misery.."

"master will be most pleased" you were about to walk away but Lesso grabbed you by your hand, "y/n.. please. stop all of this. this isn't what I wanted"

"you said you'll be with me every step of the way.... why are you lying.."

"I'm not. I will be with you but this isn't the way for evil to win. Rafal wants the power all to himself. He's just using you"

"you wanted evil to win. You got your fucking wish"

"why won't you listen to me? I didn't want evil to win this way!"

"be careful for what you wish for" and you disappeared.

"no..." Lesso ran back to her school to check on her students but they were in a trance,all gathered in a circle. Their eyes were red. They have became puppets under your spell.

Lesso saw you in the center, as you concentrated your magic onto a certain gem..

"the gem of pure destruction.." Lesso muttered under her breath and then she saw the school master beside you...

when the gem finally reached its peak, blood magic wrapped around the school master as he turned into rafal. lesso watched as you did a curtsy to rafal.

"you monster!" Lesso shouted as Rafal tied her up. (you know how Agatha tied up Wanda in her house? Ya like that)

Rafal and you then approached Lesso, "y/n.."

"look what you've done to my creation" Rafal snarled.

"your creation? what did you do to y/n and the school master?" lesso was shocked by what she heard. then she remembered those times when you said master.

"my brother and I fought. I won obviously" he chuckled, "but with his last breath, he sent me to that awful magic prison but I managed to create a puppet image of him before the portal closed" he then glanced over to you as he placed his arm around you, "and this is my finest creation. I used up all my powers to create and sent her to earth. To made her reborn with the 2 most powerful villains in the world. She was my key to finally getting out" as he stroked your head before looking back to Lesso in anger, "but you... you made her soft.. made her weak by love. You tricked her" he snarled.

"y/n, this feelings, Rafal didn't give them to you. It is your own developed feelings... ive never lied to you. Believe me please" Lesso was mad at you for maybe using her but then again, she understood where you stand.. she knew you were being manipulated.

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