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It was the Nevers Ball. The same day as the Evers Ball. Although, it sound better with the word Nevers.

"wake up, sleepy head" Dot was shaking you, trying to wake you.

"mmm" you responded back with your eyes still close shut. Dot used her fingers and opened your eyes wide open.

"uh yes... yes... im awake" you yawned. you opened your eyes finally so that Dot would stop which she did and she walked off happily. You saw jinx on your tummy and you stroked her.

"wait, why are you all suddenly so fancy looking? overly dress for school? you look like the Evers" as you glanced over to them.

"I can't believe she actually forgot" Anadil looked over at Dot and Hester as she held up her dress.

"it's the Nevers Ball and your the guest of disgrace" Hester said.

"and when was that a thing?" you raised an eyebrow.

"ever since you came to this school" Dot answered.

You sat up and stretched before placing sleepy jinx back onto her tiny bed and you went to get ready. Everyone was finally ready but you just only got out of the showers, still in your pajamas. The three of them look at you in disbelief as they look at you up and down.

"relax" you roll your eyes before using your magic and now, you were wearing a beautiful gown.

"I like it, so simple yet so beautiful" Dot smiled and you thanked her, "thanks, it matches with my necklace"

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"I like it, so simple yet so beautiful" Dot smiled and you thanked her, "thanks, it matches with my necklace"

"a gift from hers truly?" Hester teased.

"nope. It's my mom's" you lied again.

you then whipped up your magic to create a pair of heels, "i dont normally wear heels but it's a special occasion so why not"

"yes girl! Slay!" Anadil said and the three of you laughed.

"alright, alright, we better get going" Hester said.

"so how's your entrance going to be like?" Anadil was getting excited, "you'll see" you winked as Hester pushed the both of them out of the room.

you look at yourself in the mirror once more as you gripped onto the necklace, "it can't be... she can't be using me.. she said so..." you muttered under your breath. The gem of the necklace then turned red as your master came from the mirror, like a reflection.

"remember my words, dear child, she's just using you for her own benefit. They all are" you were broken by their words as you watch different scenes being played of lady lesso's and your friends, not knowing that you were being manipulated.

"i was the only one who was there with you. from your childhood days, to when you broke the seal, when you found the gem, and even now, they'll never understand you the way I do, my dear. Watch as how they react when you finally choose pure evil over all" master then disappeared. your eyes glowed green as you left the room.

"Hort!" you shouted for him and he arrived as soon as you called for him.

"yes, my queen" you used your magic and turned him into a werewolf. you then went onto him, riding him like a horse, "let's go"

and that's when you make your entrance into the hall. all heads were turned to you with applause. you went down and Hort turned back into his human form with a nice black suit, "expensive. I love it" you smiled at him before making your way towards Lady Lesso.

"well, don't you look beautiful?" Lesso complimented you.

"not bad yourself, m'lady" Lesso was wearing a black suit with her usual chain but this time without her coat.

"may i have this dance?" she took out her hand and you gladly took it. As she brought you to the centre of the room, your eyes glowed green.

You and Lesso were now dancing, everyone was looking at the both of you. "Not afraid to show me off huh?"

"I'll win you over as many times as I need till we're official, my dear" and you chuckled. The music stopped and you stepped back a bit, "I'm ready"

"ready for what exactly?" Lesso asked and you showed her your finger. She got the hint as she took out the key and insert it into your finger. Your finger glowed as Lesso pulled you by the waist, "I'll be here with you, every step of the way" and she kisses you, earning shocking reactions from everyone except for the four of them who already knew about it. You pulled away from the kiss as you look into her eyes, her hands still around your waist, "you promise you'll be there for me?"

"of course, my love"

"I guess it's time for me to be evil's savior" you titled your head and lesso smiled, "my hero"

lesso frowned her eyebrows as she saw your eyes turned red, "y/n..."

you took a step back as you smiled, looking at around, "let the fun begin" you snapped your fingers and everyone smiled as they felt their power grow. your eyes and your powers were red... lesso took you by the wrist, "y/n, stop this"

"isn't this what you wanted, my love? for evil to finally win after 200 years!" you laughed before disappearing.

"no..." Lesso ran towards the school for good, "Dovey!"

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