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but lesso didn't want to settle it down just like that so she looked up at you, "no. You used my name, my real name. There's something more than just asking. What's wrong? Talk to me"

you chuckled softly at your wife's response, "not going to let it slide?"

"are you dumb? First, you weren't feeling like yourself this morning then you got worked up at lunch, then went to find Hort, now, you're using my name and acting like it's nothing. So no, I'm not letting this one slide"

you breathed out as you gave her a small smile, "alright fine but just between the two of us" you were expecting a response but she just looks at you.

"hort got stabbed"

"and you say he's the strongest wolf you know" you chuckled weakly at her sarcastic response.

"he is. he just wasn't able to fend for himself because of who the attacker was" your face changed and lesso just stayed quiet, "it was me. I attacked him in the blue forest. To his part of the story, i called for him that night and i stabbed him, the last thing he saw before losing conscious was a smirk on my face..." you gulped, "that's why I had to ask"

"and yet, he still protected you infront of me and clarissa, giving a different story"

"he could have just said the truth. why hide it?"

"because you're his friend. as a friend, he wants to believe that it wasn't you who did it and it's just someone else who is posing as you" Lesso breathed out, "this is why you're still my little troublemaker~ still learning even at this age"

"shut up..." you were embarrassed and she giggled, "talk to him tomorrow" she said before laying her head down. You stroke her head as she laid on you, "do you think i really did it?" you looked down at her to find her fast asleep. You kissed her goodnight on her forehead before closing your eyes.

The next morning, you woke up and got ready together with your wife, sending her off before looking for Hort. You knew where he was so you just went straight away in a hurry while the Nevers still bowed at you "Hort!" you called out to him and he turned around.

"hmm?" you grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him away from the guards. Everyone just watch as you did that, "is he going to die?" one of the Nevers said.

"y/n... wait, what's wrong?" you let go of him and let out a sigh, "i need to talk to you" he kept quiet before answering, "i know why you're here"

"you do?"

"look, you're my friend, I just want to believe that it wasn't you and you're here to talk to me about it, isn't it?"


he giggled, "the school head master having such a soft heart"

"this isn't funny" you scolded him.

"I know. I was just trying to lighten up the mood abit" he smiled and you sighed, "well, I told you my side of the story and you told me yours and I don't think it could be one of the kids so there must be an imposter"

you buried your face with your hands as you went to grab your hair in frustration, "I'm sorry for what happened to you.."

"it's okay, it's not your fault. We'll figure this out together like we always do" he placed his hand onto your shoulder, reassuring you. You thanked him for that before he left.

You took a deep breathe before flying off to do your errands. As you did them, you paid extra attention to every single person in both schools, trying to find anything suspicious and you kinda did?

you notice a little never in the school for good, as he spied on the boys. you stayed on the branch as you watch him from above, he was just looking at Vincent, it surprises you that he still hasn't done anything since his first attempt. You thought he would at least did something but nothing. You then followed him to the secret garden that apparently only you and lesso knew but it turns out not.

he sat down as he leaned back onto the tree branch, opening up a sketchbook as he started to draw and you watch him from above. he looked really into it at first till he looked up at you, "a barn owl? i didn't know an owl lives here" you then went down, wanting to see how he would react.

he then gave you a dead mouse, "here" you didn't take it, obviously, "I guess you're not hungry huh" he examined at you for awhile, "you're a healthy owl and you're a girl.. hmm i wonder why you're the only one here" he said softly before leaning back against the tree, "well, this place is secret and right now, it's just you and me. I wonder if the head master knows about this place" as he looked up.

he then looked at you with a smile, "since you're here.. " he took away the mouse first before speaking, ".. and I don't think you understand me anyways, but I guess it's better to let it out than keep it all in. I'm sorry" he apologised in advance.

"there's this woman that I like, an eyecandy? I guess" he chuckles, "sometimes, i get so nervous when I'm around her. It's funny, really... but other than that, I have always admired her since I was 5, from all her achievements, her beauty, the way she talks, the way she handle things. i have read her books and the stories she was in, even the one where she fell in love. when I came to this school, it was really amazing to finally meet her so up close" he then took his sketchbook and showed it to you, it was a drawing of you, he then turn the page, "and this is her wife, lady lesso, the Dean of the school for evil" his smile turned into a sigh, "It was embarrassing for me to try to be cool on the first day. I don't even want to be a Never, then again, I'm not an Ever"

you went over to his sketchbook and opened, turning the pages to find mostly drawings of you and the the other Nevers, then turned to find Belle, the daughter of Beatrix.

he raise his eyebrows, "you're curious owl aren't you. this is belle, the daughter of Queen Beatrix. She's the girl that I'm falling for..." he looked at the drawing in disappointment, "but its not like a Never could be with an Ever. I was destined to be the leader of the soldiers for the future king but my family was kicked out, just because of my dumb dad.."

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