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as you flew into the secret garden, you were right. Ace was there, just like last time, sitting at the bottom of the tree as he sketch in his sketchbook. you landed beside him, "its been awhile, Jewel" he smiled at you before continuing to sketch. He then showed it to you, "see its you, Jewel"

"i just want to thank you for being there for me. you really helped me, even the head master was proud of me during her class. Hehe" and he continued saying everything out, with a big smile on his face, "its nice to have someone to talk to and I'm really happy that I got the head master to be proud of me. I just hope my dad could be just as proud..." he sighed. you went up to his knee as his feet were cross, "i wonder how your life is. you're probably playing with the head master behind close doors, huh. I don't think the head master is all that scary, she just seems that way so no one takes advantage of her kindness. Don't you think?"


his eyes widen, "that's the first I heard  from you. You're always so quiet, normally. I guess you're getting comfortable around us" he got quiet for a few seconds as he look at you, "how is it like being loved? I'm pathetic, aren't I? A mother who left her family while a dad who only looks out for himself and his son that's just so useless" a tear then fell from his eye. He looks at you again, wiping away the tear as he chuckle, "and here I am, finding comfort from an owl"

"why do i keep living, Jewel? i don't see a reason for me to stay alive. even if I were to disappear, no one would care. Dad would call me pathetic even on my death bed, the Nevers don't even know I exist most of the time and as for the head master, I'm just another underachiever..."

it pains you to hear those words come out from his mouth. you have never seen any student as an underachiever but that's how he sees it.

"i honestly have nothing to live for, Jewel. I'm sorry... I can't do this anymore.." he slowly stood up, not wanting to make you fall, and looked up to the night sky. He looked back down at you with a forceful smile, "it was nice meeting you, Jewel. This is goodbye"

you then walked up infront of him as you turned back to your normal form, your knees on the ground as you hugged him, tightly, "you're not an underachiever. you're not pathetic. you're not invisible, Ace" he was quiet as tears continuously rolled down his cheeks, still shocked that the person hugging him was you.

"your father is the pathetic one for not seeing his son as a gift but an object. you're not invisible to me, Ace. I've been watching you, staying by your side as Jewel"

you didn't know what else to say to stop him from killing himself. yes, you were hypocrite, telling other not to get attach to the kids and yet, here you are. you've always been a hypocrite.

"you don't have to prove anything to your father. the most important thing is that you prove to yourself that you are worth it, that you don't deserve any hatred that you receive"

he weakly lifted his hands up and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in closer. you sighed, "as long as I'm here, you're never an underachiever" he snapped and bursted out crying.

"they need it?" - y/n

"you'll see soon enough, my love" - lesso

now you understood what lesso had meant that day. tonight, after witnessing and having two students cry in your arms, you started to worry about the other students.

you pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears away, "can you really love me in the way that my dad can't?" Ace asked.

"you kids are so fragile yet full of surprises" you gave out a small smile as your stroked his head, "i cant guarantee to give you the love you wish to receive but-"

"you already are, head master" he gave you a hug that surprisingly caught you by surprise, "you're like a big sister... most of them don't say it or find it hard to show it but they actually do care for us, they show it just like you do" as he stayed hugging you. You smiled, "i am your school's head master after all"

"and you're the best head master" he smiled at you before hugging you again, "can we stay like this for awhile?" he asked. You stayed, kneeled, and hugged him for as long as he needed, "take this advice from me, Ace. Always remember for me, will you?" he nodded.

"Where there's desire, there's gonna be a flame and when there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned but just because it burns, doesn't mean you're gonna die. You've gotta get up and try and keep trying" you then hugged him closer and tighter.

Apparently, after awhile, he fell asleep and you chuckled softly before carrying him up like a small child. You carried him back to his room, quietly, not wanting to wake his other roommates up as you laid him down on his bed. you immediately turned into Jewel, seeing him one last time before flying off.

you decided to check up on Vincent first before heading back to your tower. As you arrived back home, your wife was soundly asleep, "how adorable" you thought to yourself as you tried back into your normal form. Taking off your coat and changing into your pajamas.

You sat on your couch, outside with the storian, with a glass of water in your hand, "how was your flight, y/n?"

"it was okay. what about you? aren't you tired from writing 24/7?"

"for your information, I do not write 24/7. I do take breaks but you're not around to see it happen"

"what do you do on your break?"

"we relax, just like everyone else. Disappearing for awhile before coming back"

"but aren't you afraid that someone may, i dont know, come in here and mess with that big book of yours?" as you took a sip.

"not one bit. This book can't be erased nor destroyed. Not even pure destruction magic can do it because it holds the very previous stories of every single breathing person on this world"

"okay. I can see that"

you clicked your tongue, "storian. tell me, is anyone going to die? as in by their own hands?"

"as in suicide?"


"to be honest with you, I don't know as well. I do not wish or write for anyone's death, it's honestly up to their own fate and their own choices. Stories, i can do but not death. I'm sorry"

"I guess there are parts that a storian can't handle, huh"

"that is true. We don't write for their whole entire life, mind you"

"highly noted, storian" afterwards, you wash up your face before heading to bed, "goodnight, storian"

"goodnight y/n"

as you tugged into bed, snuggling into your wife as you closed your eyes.

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