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"Victor?" you said as you completely turned to face him. He still had that big smile on his face and it brought a calming feeling to you, "still happy, huh?"

"mhm. Thanks to you, Ms! Hehe" he then hugged you again, "I just want to thank you" you hugged him back, "don't mention it. it's my job as the head master anyways" as you did that, the jaws of the students dropped.

"alright, that's enough" Vincent said and Victor pulled away from the hug. He gave you one last smile before walking off. You looked at Vincent who was still standing there, "sorry about my brother, Ms" and he bowed.

You sighed, "don't be like that" he looked up at you, "don't have to be so modest and humble all the time. I know you're the heir to throne and you're gonna bear alot of responsibilities. It's good to have that character as you learn the ways of becoming a king but don't forget, you're still a child. You're only 16. Be yourself and be free. Have some fun. Work is important, yes, but don't forget about yourself too, okay?"

"yes ma'am" he bowed once again before going to his table with his brother.

"look at you~" Dovey said as you turned back to the table.

"didn't expect that from you" one of the Never teachers said and you chuckled softly.

"to be honest, I must say, I am quite surprised yet I am not" one of the Ever teachers said and they giggled.

"whatever, just eat your lunch" you said with a small smile.

"that reminds me of when you first fell for lady lesso" one of the Evers teachers said and you shushed him up, "not here please" you begged, "alright I won't. I'm just saying" he teased. As you were the youngest among them, they loved to tease you over the years but you had your own fair share of it with them when you were younger.

"but anyways, has any of you seen Hort, i can't seem to find him" and all you received was shaking head, just as you expected. You sighed, "I'll take my leave" Lesso was worried for you so she catched up to you and grabbed onto your wrist. You turn to look at her, "y/n"

"I can't just sit here when Hort is missing. I can't even sense him..." you said weakly as you looked down. Lesso caressed your cheek, "I know you're worried but don't forget to eat, okay?" and she passed you a sandwich. You took it, "thanks, my love" you kissed her on the forehead before leaving and she let out a sigh.

You asked every wolf guard before turning into an owl to search for your friend. Your heart felt so heavy as you flew. You flew as high and as low and as fast as you can to find him. You even had to ask the storian but neither did it know his location. You slammed the door of your tower as you left, clenching your hands as you frowned your eyebrows and took a deep breathe, "how can you just disappear?" you said softly. You immediately look back up in realisation, "don't tell me.." and you headed straight for the blue forest, flapping those wings.

Finally, what felt like an internity, you finally found him but he was laying down in his human form. You dive down as you landed and turning back to your normal self, "Hort?" you turned him around and you covered your mouth when you saw a knife stabbed into him, "H-hort..." you watch in disbelief and worry as he slowly opened his eyes weakly, "y/n?"

"I'm here, Hort. What happen to you?" you said in a hurry.

"do you really hate me that much?" he said before losing conscious again.. You didn't think twice before carrying him back to the tower. You laid him down on your couch and attended to him. After you were done, you leaned back onto your chair with your face buried in your hands, frustrated at who could have done it. Hort was a powerful wolf. No student could have done it, not with their weak abilities, so who... You felt your head going to explode as you thought about it.

An hour or two had passed, and he woke up again, his breathing was weak but he was okay. You held his hand in yours, "thank goodness, you're okay" you gave him time to breathe. After awhile, he sat up in his own as he leaned back at the couch while you got him a glass of water with your magic as you sat beside him, "thanks" and he dranked it.

He sighed afterwards, "i was so worried"

"thanks for saving me" he gave you a weak yet warm smile.

"who did this to you?" you were ready to kill anyone who did this to him.

"it's funny because it's you"

you frowned your eyebrows, "what do you mean?"

"it was you. That day, after helping you, in my room that night, you called for me. I went over to find you infront of the blue forest. I was confuse at first but you told me to follow you. With you, I let my guard down and I got stabbed. You had that evil smirk on your face before I blacked out. Its amazing, I'm still alive" Hort chuckled after saying the last word.

you were confuse, "I don't remember.. After you left, I immediately crashed into my bed" you looked at him.

He sighed, "maybe it's rafal?"

"it can't be. being connected by blood magic, i can tell that his existence is gone" Hort gulped at your response.

The door of your tower then opened, revealing Lesso and Dovey, "oh thank goodness, you're okay, Hort" Dovey said as she smiled at him and he returned it.

"your wound... How bad is it?" Lesso asked and he responded, "meh, its fine. It just a small cut"

"just a small cut? You must be crazy, what happened?" Dovey asked in concern.

"after helping y/n out, that night, i went into the blue forest for some fun. I was bored but eh, guess what, I got injured" he laughed it off, "but thanks to y/n. She found me"

"i'm glad you're still alive" Lesso said.

"and still strong too. I aint the leader of my wolf guards for nothing" he gave a cheeky smile and you look at him, feeling sorry, "well I better get back"

you stopped him before he could stand up, "let me bring you back" he nodded and you did just that, "goodnight, Hort" you closed his door before returning to your tower. You got into your room as you changed inot your pajamas while Lesso was already in bed, waiting for you.


"what's wrong?"

"last night, did i go anywhere?"

"no. You were in bed with me the whole night. Why?"

You sighed before going into bed and cuddle with your wife, "just asking" you kissed her forehead, "goodnight, my love"


A/N: it took me awhile to publish another chapter, i apologise

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