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lunch started and you decided to be in your owl form and went onto one of the top platforms(idk what it's called, my brain is not working) as you watch them from above. lesso saw you but she didn't question it, she knew you had your reasons.

"what is she doing up there?" Dovey asked and Lesso shrugs, "if it's some evil plot from the both of you-"

"hold onto your tiara and relax. it's nothing bad" Dovey gave an unimpressed look, "mhm. the last time she did that, she turned everyone to frogs"

"oh please~ y/n isn't a child anymore. Be reasonable, Clarissa" dovey let out a puff before sitting down and lesso shake her head as she did the same.

you watch as that little never, ace, noticed you up there. he called for you but you just stayed there. One of the Nevers nudged him, "what are you looking at?"

"nothing" Ace look back down. The never frowned his eyebrow at Ace before looking up, "is that the head master?" as the Never said it, the other Nevers looked up which also caught the attention of the Evers. Lesso decided to play along with this little game of yours.

She gestured you over and you on the the table, infront of her. She scratched the bottom of your head as one of the Ever teacher asked, "is that the head master?"

"this is her pet" as Lesso continued on scratching you with a smile, knowing well that you were enjoying it. The students then gathered around as they looked at your pet.

"what's her name?" Belle asked.


"she's very beautiful" one of the Evers said and Lesso smiled.

"I didn't know y/n had a pet" Dovey said, "she won't tell you everything, Professor Dovey~" Lesso smirked before looking at the students, "alright, get back to your seats" Lesso demanded and they did just that.

"wait, if y/n can turn into that same owl and this is her pet, how would know which is y/n?" one of the teachers ask and lesso responded with, "you don't. Only i know"

"of course, only the wife knows" Dovey rolled her eyes playfully.

"so this is her pet, right?" one of the teachers wanted to confirm and lesso nodded, "then I have a question to ask, since she isn't here" Lesso titled her head.

"knowing how the head master is and how she's been nice to the kids so far..." Lesso cut her off, "you want to know how she is like behind close doors, right?" and the teacher nodded. The students from their seats, tried to listen in and everyone stayed quiet. Lesso chuckled evilly as she looks at you.

"well~" and you started making noise and everyone eyes widen, "oh my" she giggled. She tapped her shoulder and you went on it, "I'll be right back" and she left the dining hall. You then turned back into your normal form, standing infront of your wife, with a smirk on her face and her arms crossed.

"you really were going to tell them?" you were in disbelief.

She acted offended, "I can't believe you would ever accuse me. I was about to defend and say nevermind"

"you're a devil, you know that" you gave her a dumbfounded face and she giggled, "now tell me, what's this game you want to play?"

"no game" she raises an eyebrow before she gets closer to you, your face just inches away as she looks into your eyes and yours into hers, "well~"

"you won't win" you said softly.

"oh baby, i always do with you" she said in that seductive voice.

"this time, you won't" you said confidently.

"you might just get a reward if you tell me"

you chuckled softly, "i already have my reward since a long time ago" as you wrapped your hands around her waist. She pushed them away, "and you won't be having it for today and tomorrow unless you tell me"

you bit your bottom lip, "fine, you win"

"hehe, always" she gave a cheeky smile.

"i plan to get to know the students more in both forms. There are somethings i know they won't show if i showed up in my usual form"

"true" she nodded, "but what if you get attach to them? Didn't you say not to get attach with them unless you want to go crazy?"

"well, i guess I'm a hypocrite" you shrugged, "this kids.. they're different. I feel an adventure coming up"

She smiled, "and we will give them a meaningful one"

"wait, i know that smile. What are you planning?"

"hehe~ well, since you plan on being sweet to these kids, I just thought that I would have my own fun too" she winked at you and you sighed in defeat, "you've always been the scary evil head master, maybe now, since you're letting loose, let them see the other side of you. They need it"

"they need it?"

"you'll see soon enough, my love"

you looked down as you licked your lips, before sighing, "whatever you say, my love"

"now, let's go" she tapped her shoulder and you turned back into your owl form and went onto her shoulder. She opened the door and everyone eyes were on her, "i have an announcement to make"

"as you know, the head master is really busy, so I've talked it out with her and she has allowed Jewel to hang with all of you on behalf of the head master" Lesso announced and the students faces, all turned to big smiles. Lesso then titled her head, gesturing you to go. You sighed mentally before flying away and landed infront of Ace, causing a shocking face from him and everyone.

You sticked with Ace even during lessons and everyone was shock as to why it did that. You stayed with him throughout the entire day as you observe the other Nevers as well.

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