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As all the students woke up from their sleep, they all noticed a letter on their side table, each letter specifically for each and everyone one of them, having their name on it. It was a letter, personally from you as you wished them happiness and excitement in their lives, also giving encouragement and motivation for them.

Meanwhile, you were on your desk, doing some work.

"looks like someone's up early" as she kissed you on the cheek, "good morning, my love"

"good morning"

"how was last night?"

"it was.. meaningful"

"who knew~" she chuckled.

Apparently, you woke up earlier, at dawn, to write the letters and used your magic to send to each and everyone of them. After last night, you felt like it was the right thing to do.

"a lot of work as usual?"

"surprisingly, today no. This is only my last one" as you showed her a piece of paper.

"so will there be Jewel or do I get to have my fun again?" she smirked.

you scoffed, "Jewel it is then" she pouted and you shrugged.



"about the kids.. unlocking their powers-"

"it'll be tomorrow" you said quickly.

"are you sure? what about the imposter?"

"when that imposter comes, I'll handle it. For now, i would not hold back the students from letting them explore themselves. I've postponed it long enough now"

"I appreciate you looking out for the kids but don't- promise me you won't die"

you went up to your wife and kissed her, "I promise"

"don't you dare break it" she looks into your eyes and you breathed out, "i won't leave you" she breathed in as she looked down, "i better get going, I'll see you later" she caressed your cheek before leaving.

Hort(in his wolf form) stretched as he yawned, "good morning to you too, Hort" as he went back into his normal form, "good morning. You're up early"

"when am I not up early?"

"as in early early because I'm the one that awakes first then you. Remember?" you chuckled as you remembered Hort would always be outside of the tower, waiting for you.

"get up. We're getting breakfast" you said playfully, "oh nice" he smiled and immediately went to get dress, "omg. Go and have a shower first! The food ain't going anywhere" as you pushed him into your bathroom.

Once he was ready, he carried you up as he turn into his wolf form,, "i dont care what you're going to say, im giving you a ride, regardless"

"I thought I was stronger than you"

"you're not the only one who has been working out. Don't get jealous"

"I'm not" you defended, "whatever you say" before he started to run, excited to get breakfast with you.

"slow down!" you shouted and he stopped just inches away from the dining hall doors, "omg.. you're crazy" you laughed. He smiled, seeing you laugh. You got down as you and him went inside and got breakfast. As you ate your donut, you turned to Hort and laughed as he made a funny face.

Someone suddenly hugged you from behind and it was Victor, "good morning, Ms!" you patted him on the head, "good morning to you too, Victor" you watch as he ran to his seat.

"good morning to you, Ms" he bowed.

"good morning, Vincent" and he went to seat beside his younger brother as they enjoyed their breakfast together.

As you were about to leave, a princess hugged you, "hmm?" you titled your head and one by one, all the kids came to you and hugged you. you chuckled, "what's this about?"

"it's a thank you gift from us to you" one of the Evers said.

"no need. Its my duty after all" you said before leaving and the day went on as usual.

The next day, you watch as Jewel as the kids happily got out from their rooms and into the hall, dying to unlock their powers at its full potential. You went back to the tower to get Hort, "Hort, i need you to stand with your guards today"

"you're not coming?"

"I am, just not as the head master"

"alright then, see you later" as he left. Minutes has passed and you arrived just in time as Dovey said, "don't worry, Evers. Good feels no pain" she smiled. You landed onto one of the poles as Lesso said, "Nevers~" as she chuckled evilly, "its going to hurt"

"line up!" Lesso shouted as the kids rushed to the center. You watch as each of them unlocked their powers and went back to their seats. After that was done, Lesso was about to announce when you came flying into the middle of them, landing as you turned back into your normal form.

"and i thought that was Jewel.." one of the Evers whispered. An owl then came flying in and landed on your shoulder, "hey, it's Jewel" one of the Nevers said.

You scratched the bottom of its head before speaking, "Jewel and I congratulate you for unlocking your powers. You kids have grown so much since day one. With your powers fully at your dismissal, i encourage to explore more. Dismissed!" and with that the students went back to their respective classes.

"hi there, Jewel" Dovey waved at her and the owl responded back with a hoot.

"such a beautiful creature" Lesso said as she clinged onto your arm.

"I'll get going then" Dovey smiled.

"enjoy your day, Clarissa" you said as she left. You used your magic and made the owl disappear, "i was getting the hint that the kids may suspect Jewel to be me"

"nice little plan of yours~" as she booped your nose.

"come here you" she gave out a surprised gasp as you pulled her in for a kiss, "I've missed those lips of yours" you said and she giggled.

"should we have some fun before your class starts, my love?"

"you naughty little troublemaker~"


"not now, maybe tonight" she gave you a peck on the lips before walking away, leaving you there in your feels.

"that woman is my hell in heaven" you thought to yourself.

"don't lie to yourself" you turned around as you heard a voice, "don't worry, I ain't gonna hurt ya" the voice kept speaking behind you.

"don't be a pussy and show yourself" you snarled.

"it's not that I'm scared, y/n. It's because I can't physically show myself~"

"such a lame excuse. You know I can kill you that's why you're afraid"

the voice chuckled, "I'm not the one afraid, y/n. You are"

"really? I'm not the one hiding"

"hmph, i'm you, y/n. I'll always be here"

"how are you me?"

"y/n!" you heard Hort calling for you.

"talk to you later" and the voice disappeared.


"oh you're still here. Everything alright?"

"yeah, just fine, what about you? What's going on?"

"it's the Nevers"

"fighting? it's normal"

"they're fighting Ace"


"just follow me" and Hort grabbed you by the hand.

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