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"Hort!" you shouted out to him. As he turned around, "hmm?"

"I'm sorry. I know I didn't see say much on the way back, but-"

"it's okay, y/n. I'm not mad at you anymore"

"you know you can be right?"

"I know" he nodded, "I just choose not to. Like you said, we're family and family sticks together" he chuckled, "I mean didn't we already made up?"

After days and days of Hort not giving up and continued attacking endlessly, not wanting to give up on you regardless if he was hurt or not and when he finally reached his goal, Hort carried you into a cave and the both of you camped their for the night. Hort started the fire as started to cook up something while waiting for you to awake. As you awoke, he turned back to his werewolf form, ready for another attack. As you sat back up, you rubbed your head, "ugh... my head..." you sighed as you turned, "H-hort?"

He frowned his eyebrows, "is it really you?" you placed your hand your head, "I think so?" and he scoffed, "tell me something y/n would know" you told him an embarrasing moment he had encounter with you, "okay! okay! its you!" he let his guard down and started to cry as he leaned against one of the walls of the cave, "you're finally back. I'm glad"

He smirked, "I knew I made the right choice" as he look at you with a weak smile.

"in what?"

"believing in my best friend"

you held your tears back as you went to hug Hort, "I'm sorry for leaving you behind"

he patted you on the back, "you did what had to be done and as your friend, I was there to bring you back when you can't. I would say it was a team effort"

"You're more than a friend. You're my family" as you hugged him tighter.

"I'm glad to be a part of it"

Coming out of the hug, "I guess you striked me down hard, huh"

"it wasn't easy" he said as he continued to story to you about what had happened when you were gone, to what you did, and to how he got you back.

"it really is okay, y/n. I'm not hiding anything, plus, I'll be sleeping in my room tonight. Lesso really needs you" and with that, he patted your shoulder and said goodnight to you before walking off. As you headed back to the tower, Lesso was already in bed waiting for you.

As you were about to change into your pajamas, taking off your shirt, exposing your bandages, Lesso came up from behind you and lightly touched them as she tranced from top to bottom. You gulped, "it's just a scratch"

Lesso scoffed, "don't try to act tough with me. So how did it felt?" you stayed silent, "how did it felt to kill again? to be pure evil again?"

you sighed, "it felt good but it felt like hell" you then held onto her hand, "it felt like hell when I couldn't get a hold of you. I guess I was too weak to come back to you on my own," as you turned to face her, "my love" you said as you looked into her eyes. Lesso breathed out and leaned for a kiss as she cupped your cheeks with her hand. The kiss was soft and gentle, "it's okay. I wouldn't be strong either if I was you"

"thank you for understanding"

"at least you're not becoming a total Ever than I'm fine" lesso tried to joke around and you just giggled at her response. You then carried her into bed and the both of you cuddled, sleeping in each other's warmth.

The next morning, surprisingly, you were awake earlier than your wife. You smiled seeing her face again as you snuggled into her and closed your eyes. As she awoke, she thought you were still sleeping so she went out of the bed slowly but you pulled her back from leaving, "you're not going anywhere, my love" and she giggled.

"can I just have the whole day with you? No one else and just the two of us?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing" she then kissed you on the lips.

The two of you stayed in bed a while longer before heading into the showers together.

Afterwards, you brought Lesso to the secret garden. The both of you leaned against the tree and Lesso's head on your shoulder as the both of you talked about whatever.


"now what's with the name? hmm?" Lesso said softly.

"would you accept blood magic as gift from me?"

"what..?" Lesso sat up as she looked at you.

"on the days where mishaps or danger does come such as the recent one, I can't guarantee that I will be able to protect you if things does get even worse and I can't lose you"

Lesso smiled as she caressed your cheek, "you won't lose me, y/n"

"don't say that. you'll never know. plus it isn't fair that I'm the only one with one of the powerful magics. I want to give it to you. You'll be my powerful queen"

"so what? You're just going to give me your power?" and you nodded.

"i can't get rid of it entirely because I was made by it at first so I might as well share it with the one I love most" you looked into her eyes, "will you accept, my love?"

"if you promise not to die on me and tell me everything, no more hiding!" Lesso scolded you, "you keep doing it, it's annoying"

"you mean everything everything?"

"yes, any problem, any mishap, any detail needing to tell me, you tell me! Don't go running off and thinking that you can do it by yourself!"

you giggled, "alright then, my love. I promise"

"cross your heart?"

"you can stab me next time if I break it" you shrugged.

Lesso gave you a side-eyed before turning to you with her finger, "then i accept" you placed your finger on hers and transmitted some of the blood magic into her as he eyes turned red, "red looks good on you, my love"

Afterwards, you asked her how she was feeling, "everything alright? Feeling anything different?"

"to be honest, no"

"that's a relief"

"does that mean I can start fighting by your side?"

"my love-"

"don't worry, y/n. If I can get the hang of the magic, you won't have to fight alone"

"did you not hear what i said? I can't-

"and you won't lose me! You will protect me and I will protect you. Nothing can keep us apart, y/n. Trust me"

It could possibly be a bad idea but with Lesso, you just had to agree this one time, "ugh fine" and she giggled as she laid down on your lap.

"I love you, Lesso"

"I love you too, y/n"

and your day with her continued on.

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