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"shh" you placed your index finger on your lips as you winked up at him, "its our little secret"

"come down here" you gestured him and he followed, standing beside you, "don't be so stiff. Don't worry, I ain't gonna bite ya" you smiled at him, "you wanted to talk to me, didn't you? Wish granted" you chuckled.


"let's not talk here" you then turned him into a tiny man as you turned into an owl and flew off.

he was afraid at first but when he got the courage to opened it, he couldn't believe his eyes. the view was astounding.

"this is so magical.." he thought to himself as he looked around him. you then went deep into the blue forest as you landed on one of the cliffs, turning you both back to normal as you sat at the edge of the cliff, "don't worry, I'll protect you" he gulped before letting go of his grip from your arm, "i apologise, Ms y/n"

you chuckled, "don't have to be so formal. like I said to you before, just be yourself" you knew he was feeling kind of awkward around you so you tried not to let any silence get in, "tell me why" he looks yo at you, "tell me why you don't want to be king?"

he breathed out, "i-it's not that I don't want be king. It's just that I feel like there's more to me than just being a king. You said it yourself, on the first day of school, our destiny lies in our hands. What if i want to be rewrite my destiny and not be king?"

"then let's say that if you do get to choose to not be king, what would you wish to become?"

"I want to an adventurer. I want to... I want to explore the world, with no boundaries"

"but do you still wish to be king?"


"why do you want to be king?"

"as a king, i have a voice. I have a say to make the world a better place. Not much people get that privilege"

"then be both"

"how can you be a king and an adventurer?"

"the responsibility of a king is to take care of his people, of his kingdom and yes, you may be stuck in your castle for a long time as you attend to all the business and problems but..." you breathed out, "there are times where you can go out and explore the world and as you do that, you'll have Victor to help you take care of the kingdom while you're gone. The kingdom is like your house. Both you and Victor are responsible for taking care of it"

"but would it be selfish of me to not be king at all and pass it down to Victor?"

"i wouldn't say it's selfish. if victor really wanted to be king, then by all means, be an adventurer but if he doesn't, you as the older brother have to take the stand. I know it's annoying that you can't choose but whether you like it or not, that's how the world is. You have a dream but yet, you gotta stick to reality"

"so you're dream was to take over the world but you're reality was that you wanted to be with lady lesso?"

"you read it?"

"of course, i did. I am the future king after all. I have done my research"

You giggled as you messed up his hair, "you're adorable and yes, I guess you could see it that way" you sighed, "not all of us are purely either one. you can be good but deep down you want something bad and vice versa..."

"and you chose love"

"I did. It got be thinking back then, I could literally take over the entire world and have everyone under my command but what joy does give me? I don't know about other villains but to me, i rather feel something else, that's why I'm so sweet to you kids"

he got quiet as you glance at him and noticed his eyes getting teary. you brought him into a hug as you rubbed his back, "i understand how you feel about putting on a show for everyone. i've been there. you're afraid that if you show everyone who you truly are, that they will start to treat you differently. you know, there's a difference between putting on a show for strangers and for your friends" you pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears away, "over here, not only is for you to learn but for you to make friends and friends... true friends, don't belittle you and don't see you differently. They will be there through every change you go through and vice versa. It's okay to let go"

and with that, he snapped and started to cry, letting it all out. you brought him into a hug again and stayed like that for awhile. He pulled away and wiped his tears before looking at you with a smile, "now I know why Victor said that you were like a big sister we never had"

"im sorry for your loss"

"you know?"

"yeah.. i was there at her funeral"

"i mean it does make sense, you and dad are friends.." you rubbed his shoulder with your thumb.

"let's get you to bed" you piggybacked him on the way back. he refused at first but you got him on board anyways.

you place him down infront of the school for good, "you better get to bed and no running off anywhere"

"okay" he said, giving you one last hug before going in, "thank you"

"now for the other.." you said softly before turning into your owl form and flew to the secret garden.

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