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"i don't even wanna know what happen" Dovey said as she gave an unimpressed face to Lesso.

"like i would ever tell you" Lesso said as she joined Dovey on stage. Lesso went on ahead and introduced herself first, followed by the Nevers chant and with Dovey and her Evers chant.

"as per tradition, the winning school, evil, will now display their talents" Dovey announced and yes, they were still doing that because the two Deans wanted to and you had no argument about it whatsoever.

As the chosen ones did their performance, they made the Nevers laugh while they made the Evers scream in fear and in disgust. Just as before, not much has changed. As the performance came to an end, the respective Nevers went back to their side of the hall.

"and now, I introduced to you..." as Lesso pointed towards the window and an owl came flying in.

"an owl? What's so cool about an owl?" one of the Nevers said and the other Nevers laughed.

As for the Evers, they were just polite and was astounded by it. As the owl took one full turn around the hall, it landed in between the two Deans and revealed itself as you, "... the School Head Master" Lesso continued where she left off. The Nevers gulped as they looked down. Your eyes glow red as whispers were heard from both sides.

(your outfit)

====(your outfit)

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"woah" one of the Princesses' said.

"i heard she was hot but i didn't know she would be that hot... " another princess whispered.

As the Princesses fawned over you, the princes insecurities start to rise and as for the Nevers, they were reminiscing about the cool and awesome things you have done as the villain in the fairy tale world.

Your hands were in your pockets as you take one last good look at the students from both sides with a serious face. You cleared your throat and the hall went silent.

"welcome students to the school for good and evil. I'll try to keep this short, not wanting to bore you. Now...," as your eyes glowed red, "during lunch, all of you would be in the dining hall, feel free to socialise as long as you don't make any unnecessary trouble, i honestly don't care what you do to each other. As for your classes, do study hard, do your best, and attend them. As you all know, by the end of your studies here, the storian will pick only the very few best to have their own adventures written so do your worst and your best. Just remember, either way, your destiny lies in your hands and with that, enjoy your time here" you smiled wickedly as your eyes glowed green, earning wowing responses from everyone.

As they all made their way out of the hall and to their classrooms, you turned to both of the deans with a smile.

"you know, I actually like how you change your speech differently for ever batch" Dovey was impressed.

You shrugged with a smile, "i like to keep it fun and unexpected" you then called for hort and he arrived, "shall we, m'lady?" you reached out your hand to her and she took it as you carried her onto him.

"well, that went swiftly" Dovey said, impressed by how you carried Lesso so easily.

"thanks. Those workouts really can do wonders. Well then, we'll see you later, your highness" you bowed before getting onto Hort.

"i feel sad for Hort" as she stroked his head.

"don't be ma'am. I'm proud to be of service" Hort said in his werewolf form.

"huh.." Dovey titled her head.

"meh, he's always been like this. anways, see you later" as you pulled Hort by his fur and off you guys go. Dovey held her staff tightly, "oh to be in love one day~" as she walked off.

As you reached infront of your tower, you went down first before carrying your lover down, "you're right. Those workouts can really do wonders" as she felt your biceps. You just chuckle at her.

"you have the a few more hours before your class starts, my love"

"and what do you have in mind?" you didn't answer as you dragged her up to your tower, "oh wait, apologies" you carried her bridal style as you climbed the stairs. She was in heels and you were in flats so it wasn't nice to let your wife be in pain.

you laid her down onto your chair that was infront of your desk as you sat at the opposite side, "I didn't know what to get for you and I'm sorry but I could only think of this" you used your magic as you created a red smoke as your memories with her played out, from the day you met till now.

"oh y/n, it's the thought that counts. Plus you're always sweet to me. Always showing your love in the smallest way even if you were mad at me" as the memories playback faded, you stood up and went to her as you kissed her cheek, "happy birthday, my love"

lesso smiled at you, "plus you did give me a nice start of a birthday present earlier"

"oh that?" both of your eyebrows raised and you nervously scratched your neck, "hehe.. about that.." Lesso stood up and hit you on the head, "such a naughty troublemaker"

"isn't that one of the reasons you fell in love me, shorty" you smiled cheekly.

"really?" Lesso raised an eyebrow at you.

"really?" Lesso raised an eyebrow at you

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(so hot and for what?!)

"oh come on, i just called you that like once" you pouted. Lesso squinted her eyes and you tried not to look at her, "please don't hurt me.."

"and yet, I'm still the dominant one" she said proudly.

"oh please~ as if!" you raised your voice a bit to loudly and earned a death glare by yours truly and you immediately apologised, "sorry"

"anyways, how about another birthday party with Clarissa?" you titled your head.

"sometimes you think like a Never and sometimes you don't. It's crazy how i fell in love with you"

"and you're only thinking about it now? Crazy" you said in a joking way.

"how about dinner, just the two of us. No Hort, No guards, No Clarissa, Just us. Please" Lesso begged with her eyes and it was her birthday so you agreed.

"that's my good girl" she said softly with that hot voice of hers and you just mentally melted, "for now..." Lesso took your hand and brought you behind the desk as she pushed you back onto your chair and just sat on your lap as she faced you, "let me have a break alright" as she leaned in to kiss you.

The two of you had a quick make out session before she placed her head against your shoulder and rested as you stroked her head and played with her hair, enjoying each other's presence.

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